2.5.3. Manual Schedule Edit.

The admin may need to change a schedule manually. The admin will select the Edit Schedule option from the pull down menu. Once selected the system will display a screen in the form of figure 2.5.3-1. This allows the admin to choose the quarter to edit the schedule.

Figure 2.5.3-1: Select Quarter

The manual schedule editing form for the selected quarter will be displayed as in Figure 2.5.3-2. The admin can edit any of the cells by double clicking as demonstrated in Figures 2.5.3-3 through 2.5.3-5.

Figure 2.5.3-2: Manual Schedule Edit Filled

First, the admin double clicks on the cell to edit. The cell is cleared and a cursor is seen in the cell.

Figure 2.5.3-3: Manual Schedule Edit - Editing Process

The admin begins to type in the chosen cell, and the cell helps using auto-fill.

Figure 2.5.3-4: Manual Schedule Edit - Editing Process

The admin hits the tab key to complete auto-fill, filling the cell with the new information.

Figure 2.5.3-5: Manual Schedule Edit - Editing Process

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