1.4. Impacts

Intended positive impacts of the Scheduler software are increased ease of managing class schedules throughout a department and potentially throughout the university, as well as increasing the efficiency of the actual schedules that are created and used.
Possible negative impacts are mostly focused on design and implementation. If the system is not easy to use then it could take longer to complete the schedule than the currently used method of scheduling. Also, if the software does not create an fair schedule time will be lost adjusting the schedule.
It is also very important that the security of the software be tight so that personal information is not leaked, and that schedules are not modified without the appropriate permissions. Such modifications could ruin a schedule, and cause many problems for those who need the schedule.
A last negative impact that could arise from a flawed implementation are time conflicts being generated. If these conflicts go unnoticed a conflicting schedule could go into effect, and the conflict will have to be dealt with afterwards. For example, if a room is scheduled for two separate classes at the same time and the conflict is not detected by the either the software or those managing the schedule, both classes will try to use the room and one of the two classes will have to be moved to a different room or be cancelled.

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