* Module StudentInterface defines the basic objects and
operations used by the student
* interface. The student interface defines a student workspace
which will be used to display practice and take home tests. The student
* uses this interface to view his graded tests after they have
been made available by the instructor.
module StudentInterface;
from QuestionModule import
from TestGeneration import Test,TotalPoints,TotalTime;
from TestAdminister import Roster;
from StudentFile import FilePermissions;
from StudentEdit import PreviousState;
export FileSaveDialog, StudentWorkSpace, Text, HighlightedText,
FileOpenDialog, LocationAddress, StudentLogOnScreen,
length, Student, StudentInfo;
object StudentWorkSpace is
components: t:Test and los:StudentLogOnScreen;
description: (*
The StudentWorkSpace is the work
space the student uses to complete a
test inside the student
interface. It displays the operations of the
StudentFile, StudentEdit, and
StudentTests modules as menu items titled
"File", "Edit", and "Test". The
work space allows students to view,
modify, and save test files on an
individual computer with the Test
Tool program installed.
end StudentWorkSpace;
object TestFile is
components: fp:FilePermissions and t:Test;
description: (*
A TestFile is the file
representation of a test. The StudentWorkSpace
uses TestFile objects to open or
save tests modified in the student
interface. A TestFile must be
readable and writable and can be saved
on a computer accessible to the
end TestFile;
object Text is
components: str:string and ps:PreviousState;
operations: UndoChange,PasteText;
description: (*
A Text object is a group of one
or more characters printed on a screen.
A student uses Text to answer
short answer, essay, and programming
questions on a test. The student
can only modify text used in his
answers on a test, and the text
must conform to standard ASCII.
end Text;
object length is integer
description: (*
Length is the length a string
determined by how many characters are
within a string. Characters
include all ASCII characters and white
end length;
object HighlightedText is
components: str:string and l:length;
operations: CutText,CopyText;
description: (*
A HighlightedText object is a
section or an entire body of text selected
to be edited. The text can be
cut, copied, erased, or replaced by another
section or body of text. Any text
that is highlighted should stand out from
the rest of the text. The text
should be bolded or be displayed in a different
color than the rest of the text
so the student can distinguish between
highlighted and non-highlighted
end HighlightedText;
object LocationAddress is string
description: (*
A LocationAddress is an address
where a student can retrieve a graded test.
The address is given by the
instructor, and the student uses the address
in the
GradedTestLocationInterface to retrieve a copy of his graded test.
A LocationAddress can either be
an IP address or a unique network address
as a single string one to forty
characters long inclusive.
end LocationAddress;
object Student is
components: FirstName and LastName and
un:StudentUserName and ps:StudentPassword;
description: (*
A student is a user with a first
name of twenty-five characters or less,
a last name of twenty-five
characters or less, and a student ID of
twenty-five characters or less. A
student logs on to the student interface
with his individual user name and
password and takes a test.
end Student;
object FirstName is string
description:(*The first name of the student*);
object LastName is string
description:(*The last name of the student*);
object StudentUserName is string
operations: LogOn;
description: (*
A UserName is a unique string
that is equivalent to a students Identification. The user name must
match a
user name on the roster befor the
student can access
the student interface.
end StudentUserName;
object StudentPassword is string
operations: LogOn;
description: (*
A Password is a unique string
that corresponds to the students user name. The student uses this to
log on to the
student interface.
end StudentPassword;
object StudentLogOnScreen is
components: StudentUserName and StudentPassword;
operations: LogOn;
description: (*
A student types in their Calpoly
ID and password into the Log on screen
to gain access to the student
end StudentLogOnScreen;
object StudentInfo is un:StudentUserName and ps:StudentPassword
operations: LogOn;
description: (*
StudentInfo comprizes of the
student, his user ID and his password.
end StudentInfo;
operation LogOn is
inputs: stud:Student and roster:Roster and
un:StudentUserName and ps:StudentPassword;
outputs: StudentWorkSpace;
description: (*
Log on the student user to the
student interface. The given UserName and
password must be unique and match
only one UserName and password existing
in the student database. The
UserName component is required and must be
sixteen characters or less. The
Password is required and must be sixteen
characters or less.
* The user name in the
input UserName is not empty, has 16 characters or
* less, and is identical to
only one user name in the student database.
(exists (stud in roster) stud.un
= un and stud.ps= ps);
* The student interface is
the output if and only if the un and pswd
* match one
Student.UserName and Student.Password in the student database.
(forall (student_info in roster)
in roster) iff ((student_info.un = un) and (student_info.ps = ps)));
end LogOn;
object FileOpenDialog is
operations: TakeHomeTest, PracticeTest;
components: FileName and FileLocation;
description: (*
The FileOpenDialog is the dialog
interface where a student may select only
a test file to open into the
student interface from a specific directory.
end FileOpenDialog;
object FileName is string
description: (*
A FileName is a single string
that is the name of the file. The name should be unique and should
automatically include the file
extension at the end of the name.
end FileName;
object FileLocation is string
description: (*
FileLocation is the directory
where the file is to be saved. The student
must specify a directory to save
the file when using the Save As
operation defined in the
StudentFile module.
end FileLocation;
object FileSaveDialog is
components: FileName and FileLocation;
description: (*
The FileSaveDialog is the dialog
interface where a student may save the test
file displayed in the student
interface to a specific directory.
end FileSaveDialog;
end StudentInterface;
* Module Student File defines the operations related to opening a
test, saving a test,
* saving a test under a specific file name, and exiting the
student interface. Some
* object definitions are taken from the Calander RSL
specifictations which include
* FilePermissions, IsReadable, IsWritable, FileType, TestType,
FileData, and
* RequiresSaving.
module StudentFile;
from StudentInterface import TestFile, Test, FileSaveDialog,
StudentWorkSpace, StudentLogOnScreen;
export FilePermissions;
object FilePermissions is
components: ir:IsReadable and iw:IsWritable;
operations: OpenTest;
description: (*
FilePermissions are permissions
indicating if a file is readable and/or
end FilePermissions;
object IsReadable is boolean
operations: OpenTest;
description: (*
A flag indicating if a file is
readable, which must be true to carry out the
OpenTest operation.
end IsReadable;
object IsWritable is boolean
operations:SaveTest, SaveTestAs;
description: (*
A flag indicating if a file is
writable, which must be true to carry out the
SaveTest and SaveTestAs
end IsWritable;
object FileType is TestType
operations: OpenTest;
description: (*
The type of file used by the
student interface where data is of TestType
and can be stored in a file.
end FileType;
object TestType is
operations: OpenTest;
description: (*
File data tag that indicates if a
file contains Test data made by the Test
Tool program.
end TestType;
object FileData is Test
operations: OpenTest;
description: (*
FileData is a representation of a
Test object. When implementing FileData,
any file data object may be used
that accurately holds a Test object.
end FileData;
operation OpenTest is
inputs: sw:StudentWorkSpace and tf:TestFile and
permissions:FilePermissions and fd:FileData
and ft:FileType and ir:IsReadable
and tt:TestType;
outputs: Test and sw':StudentWorkSpace;
description: (*
OpenTest will open a test file
from a specific directory and display it in
the student interface. The
student may only open test files in the
student interface and not any
other type of file. Test files include actual
tests and graded tests.
* A test file must exist and be located in a
directory that is accessible by the
* student. The file must also be readable and
the type of the file must be of type
* test. This precondition is taken from the
precondition of the FileOpen operation
* of the Calander RSL specification.
(exists (tf:TestFile) (tf.fp.ir));
* The test file is opened into the student
interface filling in the entire
* student interface area.
(sw'.t = tf.t) and sw'.los = sw.los;
end OpenTest;
operation SaveTest is
inputs: t:Test and fsd: FileSaveDialog and
outputs: tf':TestFile;
description: (*
SaveTest will save any changes
made to the currently displayed Test in the
student interface to the test
file that contains the test. This option only
updates the test file with the
new changes that are not contained in the
old test file and the file must
be writable. The Save operation should be
disabled when a student is taking
an in class test.
* A test file must exist and be located in a
directory that is accessible by the
* student. The Save operation is disabled if
the student is taking an in class test
* in which case IsWritable would be false.
(exists (tf:TestFile) (tf.t = t) and (tf.fp.iw));
* Changes must have been made to the test in
the student interface that are not
* contained in the old test file.
(tf'.t = t) and (tf'.fp.iw) and (tf'.fp.ir);
end SaveTest;
operation SaveTestAs is
inputs: t:Test and fsd:FileSaveDialog and
outputs: tf':TestFile;
description: (*
SaveTestAs will save the test
file currently displayed in the student interface
as a new file in a specific
directory. This operation can either create a new
file with a new name or overwrite
an old file that is writable with the same name.
If overwriting a file with the
same name, the student must be prompted that saving
the test file will overwrite the
old file and if he wishes to continue. When a
student does save a file using
the Save As operation, the file can only be saved
as a test file type. The Save As
operation should be disabled when the student
is taking an in class test.
* A test object must exist as an object that
can be saved as a file and be displayed
* in the student interface.
(t != nil);
* A test file is made from the test object
currently displayed in the student interface
* under a file name of the student's choosing.
The test file is saved in a directory
* accessible by the student.
(tf'.t = t) and (tf'.fp.ir) and (tf'.fp.iw);
end SaveTestAs;
object UserWantsToSave is boolean
description: (*
UserWantsToSave is a state that
tells the student interface if the student
wants to save the changes made to
a test.
end UserWantsToSave;
operation CloseTest is
inputs: t:Test and sw:StudentWorkSpace and
uwts:UserWantsToSave and tf:TestFile;
outputs: tf':TestFile, sw':StudentWorkSpace;
description: (*
CloseStudentInterface will close
the currently opened test in the student
interface and allow the interface
to continue to run. If there is a test
in the student interface that has
been changed but not saved, a prompt will
appear asking the student if he
would like to save the changes to the test
before closing the test. The
operation is disabled if a student is taking
an in class test.
* The test is currently opened at this moment.
(t = sw.t);
* The student is prompted with the option of
saving the changes to the currently
* opened test before closing it.
(tf'.fp.ir) and (tf'.fp.iw) and
(if (uwts) then
tf'.t = t
tf'.t = tf'.t)
(sw'.los = sw.los) and sw.t = nil;
end CloseTest;
operation ExitStudentInterface is
inputs: sw:StudentWorkSpace and tf:TestFile and
outputs: tf':TestFile;
description: (*
ExitStudentInterface will close
the student interface and exit the program. If
there is a test in the student
interface that has been changed but not saved,
a prompt will appear asking the
student if he would like to save the changes
to the test before exiting the
student interface. The operation is disabled if
a student is taking an in class
* The student can exit the application anytime
during a session.
* If a test is displayed in the student
interface that has been changed but not saved,
* the student is asked if he would like to
save the changes to the test before exiting.
if(sw.t != nil) then
(if (uwts) then
(tf'.fp.iw and
tf'.fp.ir and tf'.t = sw.t)
(tf' = tf))
(tf' = nil);
end ExitStudentInterface;
end StudentFile;
* Module Student Edit defines the operations related to undoing
and redoing changes made to a
* test along with cutting, copying, and pasting text to the test
displayed in the student
* interface. Some object definitions are taken from the Calander
RSL specifictations which
* include the Clipboard and State.
module StudentEdit;
from StudentInterface import Text, HighlightedText,
StudentWorkSpace, length;
export Clipboard, PreviousState, PreviousText;
object Clipboard is
operations: CutText,CopyText,PasteText;
components: str:string and l:length;
description: (*
Clipboard is the area in the
computer's memory where the TextSelection is temporarily
end Clipboard;
object State is boolean
description: (*
State is a flag indicating if a
change has been made to a test displayed in the
student interface that is not
contained in the original test.
end State;
object PreviousState is State
operations: UndoChange;
description: (*
PreviousState is a state of a
test before the most recent change.
end PreviousState;
object PreviousText is Text
operations: PreviousText;
description: (*
PreviousText is the original text
before any recent change.
end PreviousText;
operation UndoChange is
inputs: txt:PreviousText and ps:PreviousState;
outputs: txt':Text;
description: (*
UndoChange reverts the most
recent change made to the currently displayed Test
in the student interface. The
UndoChange operation can only undo changes made to
the text answer of a question
made by a student. The UndoChage operation can be
used only one time.
* Some text must exist in the test and the
text must have been changed at least once
* before the UndoChange operation can be used.
* The most recent change to the text on the
test is reverted back to its original
* form before the most recent change was made.
(txt' = txt);
end UndoChange;
operation CutText is
inputs: htxt:HighlightedText and cp:Clipboard;
outputs: ;
description: (*
CutText will remove a piece of
highlighted text from the test currently displayed
in student interface. The text
will not be deleted, but will be temporarily saved
on the Clipboard until he decides
to put it back onto the test.
* Some text must exist in the test and the
student must manually highlight the text to
* be cut from the test.
* The highighted text is cut out from the test
and saved as a temporary file on the
* Clipboard.
(htxt.l = 0) and (cp.str = htxt.str);
end CutText;
operation CopyText is
inputs: htxt:HighlightedText and cp:Clipboard;
outputs: cptxt:Text;
description: (*
CopyText will copy a piece of
highlighted text from the test currently displayed
in the student interface. The
copied text is saved on the Clipboard until the
student decides to put the copied
text back onto the test.
* Some text must exist in the test and the
student must manually highlight the text to
* be copied from the test.
* The highlighted text is copied from the test
and saved as a temporary file on the
* Clipboard.
(cp.str = htxt.str);
end CopyText;
operation PasteText is
inputs: ctxt:Text and cptxt:Text and cb:Clipboard;
outputs: Text;
description: (*
PasteText will put a piece of
text that was cut out or copied from the test back
onto the currently displayed
test. The PasteText operation will look for any
temporarily saved files of text
made from cutting or copyig text from the test file
and put the text saved to the
temporary file back onto the test where the cursor is
currently positioned.
* Some temporaray file made from cutting or
copying paste must exist.
(cb.str != nil);
* The text retrieved from the temporary file
made by cutting or copying text from the test
* is put back on the test in the location
where the cursor is currently positioned.
end PasteText;
end StudentEdit;
* Module StudentTests defines the objects and operations related
to taking take home and practice
* tests along with viewing graded tests inside the student
interface. The student should know
* that only one test may be opened at a time, i.e. if an in class
test is opened, no other
* in class, take home, or practice tests may be opened until the
in class test is closed. If
* a take home test is opened, no other in class, take home, or
practice tests may be opened
* until the take home test is closed. If a practice test is
opened, no other in class, take home,
* or practice tests may be opened until the practice test is
module StudentTests;
from StudentInterface import Test, TestFile, FileOpenDialog,
LocationAddress, StudentWorkSpace,
object SelectedTest is
components: Test;
operations: TakeHomeTest, PracticeTest;
description: (*
SelectTest is the menu where a
student selects what type of test they need to take.
TakeHomeTest is the option for
tests to be taken out of class and PracticeTest is
the option for tests to be taken
just as practice for the real test. TakeHomeTest and
PracticeTest are both options of
TakeTest, but only one type of test may be taken at a
time in the student interface.
end SelectedTest;
object TestLocationScreen is
components: LocationAddress;
description: (*
The TestLocationScreen is the
interface where a student types in the location of the
test he needs to take. The
location can be an IP Address or a unique network address.
When a student is done entering
the location of the test, the student interface retrieves
the test from the specified
location and displays it in the student interface.
end TestLocationScreen;
object Accessible is boolean
description: (*
Accessible is a flag indicating
if a LocationAddress is accessible to the student from
the student interface.
end Accessible;
object OnlyTest is boolean
description: (*
OnlyTest is a flag indicating if
a test is already open when the student tries to access
another test. A student may have
only one test opened at a time, so OnlyTest is false if
a student tries to open a test
and another test has already been opened by the student
end OnlyTest;
operation TakeInClassTest is
inputs: AdministeredTest:Test and
IsAccessible:Accessible and ot:OnlyTest and sw:StudentWorkSpace;
outputs: sw':StudentWorkSpace;
description: (*
TakeInClassTest will retrieve an
in class test administered by a teacher from a specific
computer and display it on the
computer monitor for completion and submission. The
student interface will only
retrieve the adminstered test after the LogOn operation
has confirmed the student's user
name and password.
* The administered test must exist and must be
accessible to the student from the student interface.
* The test must also be the only test opened
and no other test can be opened until the currently
* opened test is closed.
IsAccessible and ot;
* The administered test is found and is
retrieved by the student interface. The student interface
* displays the test for completion and
(sw'.t = AdministeredTest);
end TakeInClassTest;
operation TakeHomeTest is
inputs: tf:TestFile and fod:FileOpenDialog and
IsAccessible:Accessible and ot:OnlyTest;
outputs: t:Test;
description: (*
TakeHomeTest will open a test
from an accessible directory a student retrieved from
blackboard or a professor's
website. The student downloads the test file and
opens the file using the
TakeHomeTest operation. The operation uses the
FileOpenDialog interface to open
the test file into the student interface. The Save
and Save as File operations are
also enabled. The student can only have one TakeHome
test opened at a time and must
close the currently opened take home test if the
student wants to open another
take home test.
* The test file must exist and be accessible
to the student in a directory on his home computer or
* an individual computer terminal. It must
also be downloaded first from a website or other
* distributor.
IsAccessible and ot;
* The test is opened and displayed inside the
student interface from the student's home directory.
(tf.t = t);
end TakeHomeTest;
operation PracticeTest is
inputs: tf:TestFile and fod:FileOpenDialog and
IsAccessible:Accessible and ot:OnlyTest;
outputs: t:Test;
description: (*
PracticeTest will open a test
from an accessible directory a student retrieved from
blackboard or a professor's
website. The student downloads the test file and opens
the file using the PracticeTest
operation. The operation uses the FileOpenDialog
interface to open the test file
into the student interface. The Save and Save as
File operations are also enabled.
A practice test cannot be submitted for grading
once completed.
* The test file must exist and be accessible
to the student in a directory on his home computer or
* an individual computer terminal. It must
also be downloaded first from a website or other
* distributor.
IsAccessible and ot;
* The test is opened and displayed inside the
student interface from the student's home directory.
(tf.t = t);
end PracticeTest;
object GradedTestCount is integer
description: (*
GradedTestCount is the limit to
how many graded tests a student may have opened at any time
in the student interface.
end GradedTestCount;
operation CheckGradedTest is
inputs: LocationAddress and grdt:Test and
IsAccessible:Accessible and sw:StudentWorkSpace;
outputs: sw':StudentWorkSpace;
description: (*
CheckGradedTest will retrieve a
graded test file at the specified LocationAddress and
display it in the student
interface. If the LocationAddress cannot be found or does not
exist, a prompt appears stating
the specified location could not be found. The
LocationAddress must also be
thirty characters or less and must be a single string. The
student may also open multiple
graded tests up to a maximum of five in the student
* The LocationAddress must exist and must be
accessible to the student from the
* student interface. The test must also exist
and be accessible to the student when attempting
* to retrieve the test.
IsAccessible and sw.t = nil;
* The graded test is found in the Location at
the LocationAddress, retrieved from the
* LocationAddress, and then displayed in the
student interface.
(sw'.t = grdt) and sw'.los = sw.los;
end CheckGradedTest;
end StudentTests;
Prev: 5.3. QuestionBank |
Up: 5. Formal Specifications |
Next: 5.5. TestAdminister |