5.5. TestAdminister

module TestAdminister;
  from TestGeneration import Test, ClassTaken, Section;
  from StudentInterface import Student, StudentInfo;
  from TestGrading import Mean, Median, Mode;
  from QuestionModule import Answer, QuestionText, ClassName;

export Class, ClassList, ClassTests, TestView, QuestionView, CurrentQuestion,
       TeacherView, Status, Time, Roster;

obj Time is
    components: hours:Hour and minutes:Min and seconds:Sec;
    description: (* The time that counts down for the instructor's view *);
end Time;
obj Hour is integer;
obj Min is integer;
obj Sec is integer;
obj Name is string;
obj TotalTime inherits from Time;
obj Class is
    components: roster:Roster, classname:ClassName, Quarter, Year, Teacher;
    description: (* Represents one class that will be taking the test *);
end Class;
obj CourseNumber is integer;
obj Quarter is string;
obj Year is integer;
obj Teacher is string;
obj ClassList is Class*;
obj Roster is
    components: StudentInfo*;
    description: (*
        A collection of students with records of each students user name and
        password. Only the students listed on a roster can take an in class test.
end Roster;
obj ClassTests is
    components: t:Test*, Mean, Median, Mode, ClassTaken;
    description: (* A collection of tests for a class.  Used when an in class test is taken *);
end ClassTests;
obj TestView is
    components: n:Name, qv:QuestionView*, cur:CurrentQuestion, stat:Status,
    description: (* The TestView object describes what the student sees when
                 taking a test.  It consists of: a window displaying one
                 QuestionView at a time, below each question are buttons to
                 skip to the first, prev, next or last question as well as a
                 submit button. The time remaining is also displayed in the
                 TestView. *);
end TestView;
obj QuestionView is
    components: qt:QuestionText, answer:Answer;
    description: (* the QuestionView object displays the QuestionText and the
                 area to answer. *);
end QuestionView;
obj CurrentQuestion is integer;
obj Status is string;
obj OpenNote is boolean;
obj TeacherView inherits from TestView
    components: roster:Roster;
    description: (* Represents the teacher's administration view *);
end TeacherView;
obj TakingEnvir is
    components: tv:TestView*, app:Application*;
    description: (*An in-class taking environment *);
end TakingEnvir;
obj Application is string;

op SelectClass
    inputs: cn:ClassName, cl:ClassList, tev:TeacherView;
    outputs: c:Class;
    pre:  (* There is a c with a cn in cl *)
      exists (c in cl) (c.classname) = cn;
    post: (* TeacherView displays Roster *)
          tev.roster = c.roster;
    description: (* The program will show the class roster in the class window
end SelectTest;

op BeginTest is
    inputs: t:Test, tv:TestView*;
    outputs: tv':TestView*;
    pre: (* tv.Status = "unbegun" *)
         forall (tv:TestView) tv.stat = "unbegun";
    description: (* The selected test will appear on each students screen and
                 the time will begin *);
end BeginTest;

op EndTest is
    inputs: tv:TestView*, ct:ClassTests, t:Test*;
    outputs: ct':ClassTests;
    pre: (* test status is not submitted *)
         forall (tv:TestView) tv.stat != "submitted";
    post:  (* exists (t:Test in ct')
          for (i = [1 ... #tv.qv])
           (t.aq[i].text = tv.qv[i].qt) *);   
    description: (* The test or tests will be collected and stored as
                 Tests in the ClassTests object *);
end EndTest;

op LoadTime is
    inputs: tm:Time, ttm:TotalTime;
    outputs: tm':Time;
    post: tm'.hours= tm.hours+ttm.hours and tm'.minutes=tm.minutes+ttm.minutes;
    description: (* The Timer will display adjusted time *);
end LoadTime;

op AddOneMin is
    inputs: tm:Time;
    outputs: tm':Time;
    post: tm'.minutes=tm.minutes+1 ;
    description: (* The Timer will display adjusted time *);
end AddOneMin;

op AddFiveMin is
    inputs: tm:Time;
    outputs: tm':Time;
    post: tm'.minutes=tm.minutes+5;
    description: (* The Timer will display adjusted time *);
end AddFiveMin;

op AddTenMin is
    inputs: tm:Time;
    outputs: tm':Time;
    post: tm'.minutes=tm.minutes+10;
    description: (* The Timer will display adjusted time *);
end AddTenMin;

op LessOneMin is
    inputs: tm:Time;
    outputs: tm':Time;
    pre:  (* tm is greater than one minute *)
          tm.minutes > 1 or tm.hours > 1;
    post: if(tm.minutes > 1) then (tm'.minutes=tm.minutes-1)
          else (tm'.hours = tm.hours-1) and (tm'.minutes = 59);
    description: (* The Timer will display adjusted time *);
end LessOneMin;

op LessFiveMin is
    inputs: tm:Time;
    outputs: tm':Time;
    pre:  (* time is greater than 5 minutes *)
          tm.minutes > 5 or tm.hours > 1;
    post: tm'.minutes = tm.minutes -5;
    description: (* The Timer will display adjusted time *);
end LessFiveMin;

op LessTenMin is
    inputs: tm:Time;
    outputs: tm':Time;
    pre:  (* time is greater than 10 minutes *)
          tm.minutes > 10 ;
    post: tm'.minutes=tm.minutes-10;
    description: (* The Timer will display adjusted time *);
end LessTenMin;

op FreezeTest is
    inputs: tv:TestView*;
    outputs: tv':TestView;
    post: (* testView status is frozen *)
          tv'.stat = "frozen";
    description: (* The selected test will not be editable *);
end FreezeTest;

op UnFreezeTest is
    inputs: tv:TestView*;
    outputs: tv':TestView;
    pre:  (* TestView status is frozen *)
          forall (tv:TestView) tv.stat = "frozen" ;
    post: (* TestView status is unfrozen *)
          tv'.stat = "in progress" ;
    description: (* The selected test will be editable (unfrozen) *);
end UnFreezeTest;

op SetOpenNote is
    inputs:  tv:TestView;
    outputs: tv':TestView;
    post: (* TestView is set for open note *)
          tv'.on = true;
    description: (* OpenNote allows students to access other programs while
                 taking the test. *);
end SetOpenNote;

op ClosedNote is
    inputs: tv:TestView;
    outputs: tv':TestView;
    post: (* TestView is set for closed note *)
          tv'.on = false;
    description: (* ClosedNote prevents students from using other programs on
                 the computer by locking the whole screen. *);
end ClosedNote;

op LaunchApp is
    inputs: tv:TestView, te:TakingEnvir;
    outputs: te':TakingEnvir;
    pre:  (* TestView is set for open note *)
          tv.on = true;
    post: (* Application is launched *);
    description: (* App has been launched in the taking environment. *);
end LaunchApp;
end TestAdminister;

5.4. StudentInterface

5. Formal Specifications
5.6. TestGeneration