2.3.1. Local Question Bank Settings

          After the user clicks "Local Question Bank Settings" from the Tool menu bar, the "Question Bank Settings" window will appear as shown in Figure 2.3.1.i1.  The shown tab for Local lists all the Question Banks on the local computer.  Question Bank is a list of questions and their associated attributes in the same database.  The top (first) question bank in "Question Bank Settings" is the active question bank, which the user has access to.  The order of the question banks following the active bank is of no significance.  To make a question bank active, the user must highlight the desired question bank and click the Up button until the desired question bank is the first one listed.  The user can remove the top question bank from being active by clicking the Down button.  Note:  Deactivating the active question bank by clicking the Down button moves the second-listed question bank to the top position.

Question Bank Settings

Figure 2.3.1.i1: Local Question Bank Settings
    When a question bank is highlighted and the Delete button is clicked, a prompt as shown in Figure 2.3.1.i5. will appear.  Deleting a question bank is detailed in Section  If the user hits Cancel in the prompt window, then the user will return to the "Question Bank Settings" window with no changes being made. Add Local Question Bank

    The Add button opens the window "Add Local Bank" as shown in Figure 2.3.1.i2.  Under the Name field, the user must type in a profile name, which will distinguish the added question bank from other question banks listed in "Question Bank Settings".  The Location field must also be filled when adding a question bank.  The location is the path where a question bank is located.  All question bank files end in the extension ".qb". 

Add Local Question Bank
Figure 2.3.1.i2: Add/Edit Local Question Bank
    In the location text field, the user can either type in the path, or can browse the network through a file directory by clicking the '...' button.  In a file directory, as shown in Figure 2.3.1.i2., the user can browse directories and find exactly where the question bank is without having to memorize the directory path.

File Directory
Figure 2.3.1.i3: File Directory

    If the user clicks the OK button in the "Add/Edit Local Question Bank" window and the location does not exist, an automatically create question bank window will pop up as shown in Figure 2.3.1.i4.  If the user clicks Yes then a question bank file will be created according to the text typed in location.  If  No is clicked, the user will return to the screen shown in Figure 2.3.1.i2.

Automatically Create Question Bank
Figure 2.3.1.i4: Automatically Create Question Bank Edit Local Question Bank Settings

    To edit a local question bank's settings, the user must first highlight the desired question bank, then click the Edit button shown in Figure 2.3.1.i1.  After doing this, the "Add/Edit Local Question Bank" screen shot(Figure 2.3.1.i2.) will pop up.  The user must then make the necessary changes and click OK for the question bank attributes to be successfully edited. Delete Local Question Bank

    To delete a local question bank, the user must first highlight the desired question bank(s), then click the Delete button shown in Figure 2.3.1.i1.  Next, the "Delete Prompt" window, as shown in Figure 2.3.1.i5., will appear.  This window appears to ensure that the user does not accidentally remove a question bank.  By clicking Yes, the question bank will be removed from the question bank list shown in Figure 2.3.1.i1.  If the user clicks No, no changes will be made and the question bank will still appear on the question bank setting list.  If the user clicks Yes and remove from disk, the question bank will be removed from the question bank settings list AND removed permanently from the hard drive.   By just clicking Yes, the question bank is only removed from the question bank settings list. 

Delete From System?
Figure 2.3.1.i5: "Delete Prompt"

2.3. Question Bank
2.3.2. Shared Question Bank Settings