2.3.2. Shared Question Bank Settings

    To view the shared question banks, the user must click the shared tab under the bank settings window, as shown in Figure 2.3.2.i1.  A shared question bank is a question bank with restrictive access and can be accessed by multiple users.  Restrictive access is further described in Section  The features of the "Shared Question Bank Settings" are the same as described in Section 2.3.1. with the exception that the list contains shared question banks instead of local question banks.

    Shared Question Bank Settings
Figure 2.3.2.i1: Shared Question Bank Settings   Add Shared Question Bank

    When the Add button is clicked in the Figure 2.3.2.i1. window, the "Add/Edit Local Question Bank" window will appear, as shown in Figure 2.3.2.i2.  Adding a name and location is the same as described in a local question bank(Section  The next required field, username, is used to distinguish the different users accessing the question bank.  The first user to create the shared question bank is deemed the question bank administrator.  The difference between an administrator and a normal user is an administrator has privileges such as removing questions from a question bank and managing authorized question bank users.  After the user types in an administrator name, the user must then type in a password.  The password is for security, so non-authorized users don't view a question bank.  Password confirmation is necessary because the user cannot see the typed characters because it is encrypted in asterisks ('*') for security.  Password confirmation assures that the text in the password box is indeed the desired password for the user.  If the password confirmation matches the password then that is the password the user must enter when connecting to a question bank.

Add Shared Question Bank
Figure 2.3.2.i2: Shared Question Bank Settings

    Since many teachers don't want students to see test questions and answers, it is necessary to have bank user management, which allows only authorized users to view a shared question bank.  Users are added by typing a username and password into the respective boxes and by clicking the right arrow.  Once the right arrow is clicked, the added username will appear on the right side of the screen along with the other authorized users.  To delete a user, the user must click the left arrow and then the username will be removed from the authorized user list.  To change a username or password of a user on the authorized user list, the name must first be removed from the list and added after the changes are made.
    The administrator of the question bank is denoted in boldface.  Only one user can be an administrator and only the administrator can  enable another user to become administrator.  In Figure 2.3.2.i3. below, the username "newman" is highlighted, the "Admin" button was clicked, and now "newman" is the new administrator.  Admin is "greyed out" for non-administrators. 

Change Administrator
Figure 2.3.2.i3: Administrator Changes Edit a Question Bank

    Editing a shared question bank is the same as described in Section with the exception of bank user management(Section Delete a Question Bank

    Deleting a shared question bank is the same as described in Section

2.3.1. Local Question Bank Settings

2.3. Question Bank
2.3.3. Managing Questions