1.5.7. Product Feature Comparison Matrix


Questionmark Perception

Test Pro 7 RapidExam WebQuiz XP tPilot
Cross-platform test creation
Cross-platform test taking
Cross-platform test proctoring
Test Taking Method (Web / Paper / Client)(5)
Web / Paper / Client
Web / Paper
Web / Paper
Web / Paper / Client
User account based
Question Creation
Types Of Questions
        Multiple Choice
        Multiple Answer(1)
        Text Answer
        Fill In The Blank
        Variable point value
        Different score for unanswered questions
        Questions can be mandatory
        Questions can be extra credit
        Questions can have no point value
Ability to describe difficulty of question
Ability to set estimated time to answer question
Ability to add keywords to questions
Ability to export and import questions
Keeps track of when each question was last used
Test Creation
Ability to build tests based on:
        Types of questions to ask
        Length of test (time)
        Difficulty of questions
Real time preview of output
Ability to add custom fill-in fields
Ability to export test to different file format
Question order can be randomized for each test taker
Test Taking
Test View Options
        One question per page
        All questions on one page
"Time Remaining" clock
Ability to show answered/unanswered questions
Ability to bookmark a question for later completion
Test Administration
Ability to set maximum allowed time to complete test
Ability to require User ID and Password
Ability to monitor student's progress during test
Ability to pause test clock
Ability to change test clock "time remaining"
Ability to add notes to questions during test (2)


Automatic evaluation at end of test
Teacher can highlight and add notes to completed test
Teacher can adjust scores on a question by question basis
Ability to e-mail scores back to students
Can return annotated test to students
Test scores can be exported
Test score statistics can be calculated
Grading can call an outside script to score an answer (i.e. Perl, Java, Python, etc)
Ability to manually grade tests

  1. Multiple answer questions are questions that can have more than one answer (i.e. Option A or Option C will yeild full points for a certain question).
  2. Ability to add notes to questions during test: for instance, if a question was incorrectly worded or contains the error, the test proctor can post a note to that question with a correction as well as open an alert box, informing the student of the correction, personalized for which particular number the question occurs for that user).
  3. Can be exported as .rtf file.
  4. Can be exported as Microsoft Access database, Microsoft Excel spreadsheet, or comma-separated text.
  5. Web is through a web-browser, paper is on printed paper, and client is through a client program.
  6. Can be exported as a PDF file.
  7. Not optional, log-in required.
  8. Limited, can only see which students are online.
  9. From text files.
  10. Can be randomized at runtime.
  11. To text files.
  12. Only Java.
  13. HTML, Word, Excel, XML, CSV, and text.
  14. PDF
  15. Text answer only.
  16. QML

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