1.5.1. Diploma 6

    Diploma 6 is a software suite that does many of the things TestTool does. It can maintain a repsoitory of questions, including true/false, multiple choice, short answer, matching, fill-in-the-blank, and essays. For each question, there is a field of information pertaining to the question, its topic, the question's origin, where the material it covers is found, and more. This field is unlimited and allows the user to input anything relevant to the question. Images can be added to questions in a variety of formats including BMP, DIB, RLE, DXF, EPS, FPX, GIF, IMG, JPG, PCD, PCX, DCX, PNG, TGA, TIF, WMF, and WPG. Diploma 6 supports integration of "Equation Editor" from Design Science Inc as well as MathML equation output. Tests can be generated as self grading HTML to be taken in a web browser. Exams can also be exported to RTF, EDU, WebCT, and Blackboard formats. Tests can also be posted to a testing site known as The Testing Center (www.thetestingcenter.com). Diploma 6 also can maintain a gradebook for a class. It can match a variety of grading schemes, and can maintain up to 25 seperate categories of work for a class, with assignments being individually weighted. A dropped test policy can be implemented according to a set of rules the instructor sets forward. Grades can be curved automatically, or manually and grade cutoffs can be set. Diploma 6 can create grade sheets (printouts) for students wanting to check their grades.


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