1.2. System Personnel

The personnel involved in the Test Tool Project are organized into the following groups and subgroups:

a.       End users

  1. Registered instructors

  2. Administrator

  3. Unregistered instructors

  4. Registered students

  5. Unregistered students

b.      System developers

c.       Software engineering students

d.      Outside parties

End users are those who use the Test Tool for its intended purpose. Registered instructors have questions stored in a Test Tool multi-user database, which is used for the purpose of sharing test questions with other registered instructors. Administrators are users who manage the registered instructors restrictions on a database that has already been set up. This software does not provide any GUI tools for the administrator however it is the administrators job to place the question data base in a location that registered instructors can access it. Anyone may use the Test Tool as an unregistered instructor without the ability to exchange questions with other instructors. Registered students may take tests that an instructor has given them access to, the registered students sole purpose is to take a test, this user does not participate in test creation. Lastly, unregistered students are those students who are only allowed to take tests that are made public to everyone, for example a practice test. Unregistered students also do not have any hang in test creation, they also do not have permission to submit their tests to an instructor.

The primary system developers are Mark Barry, Keian Christopher, Britt Engelbrecht, Jeff Holliday, and Brian Rower. The project supervisor is Gene Fisher.

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