3.2 Qualitative System Characteristics

    As with any Test creation software security is very important. If a student is able to get hold of a test before the test is administered, it is an obvious problem. The TestTool software must prevent students from accessing tests, questions, and question answers that the student should not have access to.

    The first security concern is with the Shared Question Database. If a student acquires access to the shared database the student would be able to download and look at all of the questions as well as answers in that database. So it is important that the question database requires server authentication to access the question. It would then be the server administrators job to make sure that only teachers are allowed to access the database on the server.

    The other main concern for security is that the test sent to a students computer when administering the test may contain the answers the questions. These answers need to be sufficiently encrypted in the file that a fairly computer savvy student will not be able to access to Test file and read the answers from it.

    The TestTool is made to be very simple for all users. However Advanced Test Creation may require the user to be more computer inclined than the average user (a.k.a. "a power user). Other than the Advanced Test Creation part of the TestTool, any user with minimal computer experience should be able to use this program due to its strait forwardness and simplicity.

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