1.2. System Personnel

The people involved with this system are arranged into the following groups and subgroups:

End users fall into three main categories: teachers, students, and tool administrators. Teachers are those who are using the program to generate and grade tests. Proctors are a subcategory of teachers designed to allow another person to proctor tests without generating and grading functionality. Because users will have the opportunity to add items to the test bank or alter existing items to generate new items, the tool administrator could be required to review new items for correctness as it would be disastrous for the database to contain items with errors. In a setting with few faculty users, the administrator function could be turned off or switched to a possible "peer review" system. Another possible setting would be to only put new items into the shared test bank after being successfully deployed on a test. Students can use the program to take tests that have been generated and view results after the test has been graded.

Maintainers are mainly program specialists. Program specialists focus on the improvement of the user interface and program functionality.

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