1.5.4 BlackBoard
Blackboard is currently in use by many classes at Cal Poly. It is decent for many basic functions, and it is not exclusively a test tool. It allows professors to communicate with students, as well as students with other students in the class. Blackboards test creator is moderately easy to use, however it does not allow for a wide variety of questions. It seems restricted to multiple choice or exact answer fill in the blank for local grading. Long answers are forwarded to the professor for grading. There is no repository of questions to be given. The teacher uploads the quiz and layout, and it is then taken by the students at a set time. It is easy to learn, but because one can not just use a wizard to generate the test it will take substantially longer to create tests. Blackboard supports many nice features,but is also lacking some key ones as well.

Good Features:

·  Performs many basic features well.

·  Easy to use for both professors and students.

·  Allows student/professor and student/student discussions.

·  Side bar allows for quick maneuvering through the site.

·  If long answers are not present, allows for instant results.

·  Gives professors the ability to display grades for each student, as well as an overall grade for the class.

·  Allows professors to mass email students with information about the class or future quizzes or tests.

·  Provides for easy group work with team collaboration.
Bad Features:

·  Slow at times.

·  Server goes down every once in awhile.

·  Tests that have fill in the blank provide for no mistake in grammar or spelling.

·  Support site unhelpful.

·  Problems going back and changing answers.

·  Emails sometimes do not get sent.

·  All quizzes and tests are the same layout for every student.
Missing Features:

·  No test taking timer.

·  Lacks a question repository.

·  Teachers cannot use flash drives to carry around and upload tests for security.

·  No way for tests to automatically display graphs of class results.

·  Does not allow for change of preferences or colors.

·  Does not allow for class curves.




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