1.5.3 Test Generator from www.testshop.com
Test Generator seems to be a good start to solving the problem of generating, taking, and grading tests however it is not the final answer we are looking for. Some of it's good qualities is that the basics are covered. The downsides mostly consist of a lack of features which enable the student an easier test taking experience, such as skipping questions and returning to them. The most glaring missing feature for the generation of test is specifying a desired time length. The website was unclear as to how easy or quick test generation would be, however from looking at the screenshots they provide it appears there is no wizard that will generate a whole test for you, but rather just a question data bank and you chose questions from it manually one at a time, very low automation. As for the student taking the test they did not show anything so i can only assume an experience similar to blackboard and not very user friendly.

Good features

·  Allows for three users, admin, instructors, students

·  Ten Question types including multiple choice, check boxes, true false, fill in the blanks, short answer, point and click, essay, numeric, linkert

·  Shows correct answers after each question

·  Feedback after the test is submitted

·  Users may view but not change after completion

·  Show score X out of X points, or X%

·  Print certificate for pass or fail

·  Question bank allows for subject, objective, difficult, grade, question type

·  Allows for randomization of multiple choice as well as question order

·  Reports student scores, class scores, test scores, test activity, test key, question analysis, subject analysis
Bad Features

·  Only works on windows

·  Not free

·  Can not change an answer once you submit the question even if test overall is not completed
Missing features

·  Lacking question bank feature of time

·  Can not go back and change the answer of a question you submit

·  Low customization for end user




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