1.2. System Personnel

The personnel involved in the Test Tool project are organized as follows:

  1. end users
    1. instructors
    2. proctors
    3. students
    4. graders
  2. project managers
  3. software engineering students
  4. outside interested parties

End users are people who use the Test Tool as intended. Instructors input new questions, generate tests to be taken, assign tests to students, grade tests and view student statistics. Proctors sit in the test taking room while the test is being taken by students. Students can take tests assigned by instructors and view certain statistics. Graders grade tests but cannot create questions or assign tests. The Test Tool is also available to any outside party to be used as that party sees fit.

The main project manager of the Test Tool project is Gene Fisher. He manages the software engineering students developing the Test Tool as an example for coursework. The software engineering students involved are: Brian Oppenheim, Chris Smeder, Daniel Collins, Josh Eastburn, Prentice Wongvibulsin and Briano Planeta.

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