1.5.6 PrimeExam
PrimeExam is a test generation tool for windows. The program maintains lists
of questions and information about the questions. Then based on the
user's preferences the system uses the questions to generate a custom
Overall, the program includes many of the functions that are similar to the
functionality that Test Tool will implement. The main drawbacks are its
lack of test administration and lack of coding questions.
Good Features
Multiple Export Formats
Imports existing exams and exam questions automatically from an existing
word processing document.
Randomizes questions for an exam based on the following non-overlapping
criteria: subject, difficulty, question group, type
After initial test generation the user is given statistics about the test
and is given the ability to further customize the exam.
Allows many visual formatting tools:
Prints copies of the test key.
Includes a question search feature to find old questions.
Images may be embedded in questions.
Includes basic question types
Allows the user to maintain several databases of "banks" of test questions.
Built-in equation editor.
Builds multiple forms for the same exam.
Bad Features
The interface is not as bad as other products but could use much work to
make it more intuitive.
Saves questions to "files" that users have to create, find, and select
rather than just maintaining a database.
Missing Features
Embedded sound.
Online test taking/answer collection.
By extension, the software does not provide a mechanism for grading or
analysis of student responses.
The following question types of questions are not supported:
free drawing (it theoretically could on paper but does not do it for HTML
Shared Test Question Bank.
User types.
Printable answer keys
No grading capabilities.
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