1.5.5 Exam Pro 1.7

Exam Pro 1.7 is a test generation and examination tool for windows. The application has many interesting features; however, those features are wrapped up by a poorly designed interface which is difficult to navigate and not intuitive.

This program features three modes:

Once a user completes the exam in "Exam" mode, all the answers are written to an answer sheet document which is stored in the My Documents folder. The user can then email that file to the professor or the professor can pick up the files from the machines later.

There are many security concerns with this program as well. The only security this program offers is encrypted data files. There is no protection against spoofing or other simple tricks students might use to get the answers for exam.

Overall this program is not very impressive.  Maybe the only impressive thing about this program is that it will run on a 486 machine.

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