1.5.5. Test Generator

Test Generator is a test creation software that lets professors create, release, grade/record tests. Test Generator offers a suite of test generating software, which include TG Web, TG LAN, TG Desktop, and Stand-Alone. Each software is tailored to the common environments professors can administer tests. For example, TG LAN allows for tests to be given on a closed Local Area Network and TG Web allows for tests to be released and taken online at the student's leisure. While each piece of software has much of the functionality that we want in our product, they are not all consolidated into a single piece of software. Most importantly, neither of these programs offer question types that will meet the needs of computer science faculty.

Overall, Test Generator's software suite fulfills many of our requirements, but is lacking the core requirements that Dr. Fisher desires.

Good Features:

Bad Features:

Missing Features:

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