1.5.1. Test Generator Review

The Test Generator by Fain & Company provides eight different question types, three user types, the ability to import and export certain media types, a database to hold questions, and a feature that allows questions on tests to be randomized.

Good Features

  1. Many different question types including multiple choice, true / false, short answer, fill in the blank, and essays.
  2. Three different types of users: instructors / test authors, students, and administrators
  3. A test bank to hold questions.
  4. A test generator which provides four different ways to randomize test creation.
  5. Ability to import importing of Bitmap, GIF, JPEG, Flash, Adobe PDF, and various audio, video, and text files.
  6. Ability to import entire tests and/or individual test questions, students, and classes.
  7. Ability to export entire tests to HTML.
  8. Question banks can be organized by subject, objective, level of difficulty, grade, or question type

Bad Features

  1. Ordering and point and click type questions.
  2. Detailed reports and statistical analysis of student test.
  3. Keeps track of student progress throughout a course.

Missing Features

  1. Ability to open an IDE, write and compile code, then upload the compiled file to Test Tool.
  2. Ability for students to check grades after the test has been taken and graded.
  3. An additional properties of questions such as an estimated time of completion, last time it was used on a test, and key words within a question.
  4. The ability to automatically grade a test and give the student ability to see his/her grade.




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