2.9.2. Remove User

Removing a user for Test Tool's shared database server is very easy. Once the administrative tools box has appeared by choosing 'Database' and selecting 'Manage Users', the field under the 'Remove User' option box must be filled out. The user must the user ID of the person to be removed. Figure 2.9.2.a. shows a filled out remove box.

Figure 2.9.2.a. Remove User Box Filled Out

Once the 'Remove User' box has been filled out, the user must click the 'Remove' button to add the user to the system. If the user clicks on the 'Cancel' button then all fields in the remove user box that had been filled out would be cleared. Figure 2.9.2.b. shows the result of clicking the remove button after all fields are filled out.

Figure 2.9.2.b. Remove User Completed

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