This is the third step of the Test Generation process. This step allows the Instructor to manually change the questions generated so far. The Instructor is shown a list of the questions. The Instructor is then given the option to add, delete and edit the Questions. He can even go into the Question Database and search for a suitable question. The figure below shows the third step's screen:
Figure Third step in Test Generation
Explanation of Inputs
After being shown a list of the questions generated so far, the Instructor can select each individually and decide to save, delete or edit that question.
- After checkmarking the box beside each question, the Instructor can save that question permanently to the test by clicking the button: "SAVE"
- After checkmarking the box beside each question, the Instructor can DELETE that question permanently from the test
by clicking the button: "DELETE" This will remove it from view.
WARNING! Should the Instructor DELETE a Question permanently from the test, the total time for the test MAY VIOLATE the Total Time Range constraint! It is up to the Instructor to decide if he wants to DELETE a Question and thus make the test shorter. - After checkmarking the box beside each question, the Instructor can Edit that question by clicking the button: "EDIT"
- To move officially generate the test, the instructor will press the button: "GENERATE" This will store a copy of the newly made test in the Test Database. The Instructor can retrieve the test by clicking on the "test" tab on the top menu bar.
Final Generated Test:
Figure is a sample Generated Test.
Figure Final Generated Test
- At any time, the instructor can go to an overview of the test generated so far in the process by pressing the button: "TEST PREVIEW"
- If the instructor wants to go back to the previous step, he can press the button: "BACK"