person-record.h File Reference

Go to the source code of this file.


struct  PersonRecordV1
struct  PersonRecordV2
struct  Name
struct  Address
struct  PersonRecordV3


void printPersonRecordV1 (PersonRecordV1 prv1)
void printPersonRecordV1p (PersonRecordV1 *prv1p)
void printPersonRecordV2 (PersonRecordV2 prv2)
void printPersonRecordV3 (PersonRecordV3 prv3)

Detailed Description

This file contains three versions of a PersonRecord data structure to illustrate the way C lays out memory for structs, pointers, and arrays.

Function Documentation

void printPersonRecordV1 PersonRecordV1  prv1  ) 

Print out a PersonRecordV1.

void printPersonRecordV1p PersonRecordV1 prv1p  ) 

Print out a PersonRecordV1*.

void printPersonRecordV2 PersonRecordV2  prv2  ) 

Print out a PersonRecordV2.

void printPersonRecordV3 PersonRecordV3  prv3  ) 

Print out a PersonRecordV3.

Generated on Fri Apr 20 09:49:47 2007 by  doxygen 1.4.6