CSC 402 Milestone 10

CSC 402 Milestone 10

Revised 28 November


Usability Test Review: 2:10 - 2:30 PM Monday 21 November, per details below
Key Feature Review: 2:30 - 3 PM Monday 21 November, per details below
Phase 3c Requirements Release Testing: 11:59PM Friday 2 December
Phase 3c Prototype Release Testing: 11:59PM Friday 2 December


The release procedure is that same as posted in Milestone 8. Since this is the Thanksgiving holiday week, you're not officially required to be working past Tuesday. Therefore, all mid-week due dates are extended to Monday 28 November.

Monday 2:10 - 2:30 -- Usability Testing Results

Eric F. will present a summary of usability testing results. During the presentation, we should resist the urge to lapse into lower-level functional details. What Eric will present is a high-level overview of what he learned from the tests, and a summary of the major areas that need work, based on the feedback from usability testing participants.

Monday 2:30 - 3:00 -- Discussion of Key Features

Led by Fisher, we will discuss some key features and issues that were reviewed in the Phase 3a inspection tests and acceptance testing. The specific features and issues are these:


The Phase 3c release will be made at 5PM on Wednesday 30 November. This is the release on which the Milestone testing is performed. Phase 3c testing will not happen on any changes made to the deliverables between 5PM Wednesday 7 December and 11:59PM Friday 9 December.