CSC 402 Milestone 9

CSC 402 Milestone 9


Phase 3b Requirements Release Testing: 11:59PM Wednesday 23 November
Phase 3b Prototype Release Testing: 11:59PM Wednesday 23 November
Other Deliverables: Friday Week 9, per details below


Milestone 9 follows the same release procedure schedule as Milestone 8.

Round 2 of Feature Prioritization

Integrate feedback from second round of interviews into latest feature prioritization matrix.

High-Priority Requirements Features for Milestone 9

  1. 'More Details' links in appropriate slides.

  2. Complete Section 2.6

  3. Add Section 2.7 on installation.

  4. Updates from inspection tests.

High-Priority Prototype Features for Milestone 9

  1. Stable chem-department example schedule and data bases.

  2. Updates from Monday and Wednesday usability tests.

  3. Updates from inspection tests.