CSC 484 Assignment 4
Team Presentation of a CHI 2008 Paper Session

ISSUED: Friday, 23 May 2008

DUE: Project Selection: 11 AM Tuesday (aka, Monday), 27 May 2008
Presentation: Friday, 6 June 2008, in class, per schedule below


WEIGHT: 10% of total class grade

READING: Papers from selected session of CHI 2008 proceedings

For this assignment, each 484 team will select one session from the 2008 CHI proceedings. Team members will read the papers of the session 1, and present the most interesting aspects of the session to the class. Specific selection criteria are the following:

  1. the session subject matter looks interesting to your team;
  2. the session subject matter is related to your 484 project, though this is not required.

The table of contents for the proceedings is here:


The papers themselves can be accessed from the ACM digital library, in the same way as previous 484 readings.

In preparation for the presentation, each team should make a list of the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd choice for the session you want to present. Bring the choice list to class on Tuesday (aka Monday), May 27. We will determine the team-to- session assignments in a semi-democratic manner in class on that day.

During lecture of the last day of class, each team will give an exciting and thrill-packed presentation of their selected session. The point of the presentation is to make the subject matter so interesting that everyone in the class will run home immediately after the presentation to read the papers.

OK, so that probably won't happen the day before finals week. The realistic point of the presentations is to provide the class with a set of snapshots of the current state-of-the-art in HCI research. If you can spark the interest of your classmates, and leave a lasting impression of an interesting chunk of work, that will be a very good result.

Each team will have 8 minutes for the presentation, per the following schedule:

Team Time Session
iwimp 11:10:00 - 11:18:00 Multitouch and Surface Computing
menupad 11:18:30 - 11:26:30 Don't Interrupt Me
swat 11:27:00 - 11:35:00 Driving in My Car
mobility 11:35:30 - 11:43:30 Cognition, Perception, and Memory
gatekeeper 11:44:00 - 11:52:00 I am here. Where are you?
2d3d 11:52:30 - 12:00:30 Game Zone

No questions during or after the presentations, just inspired awe.

Administrative Note: This assignment replaces the debates originally proposed in the course syllabus. At 10% of the class grade, Assignment 4 has the same grade weight as debates were to have had.

Change History:

Date Page Description
23 May First distribution, paper copies handed out in class.
27 May 1 Added session assignments in schedule table.


1 Most of the conference sessions have three papers, but some have four or five. To keep the 484 team workload equitable, you can choose to read what your team deems to be the best three papers in the session.