2.3 Viewing a Schedule

2.3 Viewing a Schedule

These are the 3 alternate views of the basic schedule generation page. These pages show the different ways that they can be represented. The pages are all ediatble just as the normal schedule page is. If conflicts arise when editing the information, the user is notified. The generate and save buttons serve the same functions as in the main schedule view. All three pages have the ability to be filtered by various metrics, as well as filtered by a search box.

Viewing Options

Figure 2.3.1: Viewing Dropdown

The dropdown shown above the schedule allows the user to select three different views of the schedule. The List View shows all courses in a large and detailed table. The Table View shows courses and their information in their own tables. The last view is the Weekly View which shows a variety of information in a weekly basis.

Search Box

Figure 2.3.2: Search Box

The search box is a typable filter that allows for the users to type anything they wish. The current view is then filtered to only include what is entered into the search box. This can be instructors, times, rooms, and courses. The search is relative to the information shown by the view.

Column Filters

The     buttons allow for columns to be filtered based on the data that they contain. The list of check-boxes that appear are checked if they are to be filtered by the filter button above the schedule information.

2.3.1 Schedule List View

The List View is the most detailed view of the schedule. It contains all the information relavent to all courses offered.

Figure List View of the Schedule

The Department, Course Number, Section Number, Type of course, SCU, WTU, Instructor, Building, Room Number, Days the course is taught, Starting Time, Ending Time, Planned Enrollment, and Comments are all sortable columns.

2.3.2 Schedule Table View

The table view shows all the courses offered in the schedule. It shows all the information displayed by PASS.

Figure Table View of the Schedule

The heading displays the Course Department, the Course Number, and the full course name. The columns under each course list the Section, whether is it a Lecture or Lab, the proposed Course Number, the Days it is offered, it's Starting Time, Ending Time, Bulding and Room.

2.3.3 Schedule Weekly View

The Weekly View shows all courses offered in a Monday-Friday look of all the courses. The view is mainly meant for searching out Instructor, Courses, and rooms. The times and days can be filtered out with the filter button.

Figure Weekly View of the Schedule

Each entry with overlapping courses can be selected to show a dropdown of all the courses and sections offered at that time. This is shown below.

Figure Weekly Dropdown

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