305 Course Resources

Attention to detail counts. If you doubt that, consider the three most expensive programming errors ever made. Gerald Weinberg reports that the top three cost $1.6 billion, $900 million, and $245 million. Each one involved the change of a single digit in a previously correct program. -Code Complete , Steve McConnell

Horstmann Solutions
CSC 305 Coding Standard and Checklist
CheckStyle tool 308checks.jar and 308style.xml and Errors Explained

Java 1.5 new features

Bloom's Taxonomy of Educational Objectives

Principles and Methods


Code Smells and Refactoring

Design Patterns Resources

MVC and Observer Pattern

Documenting the OO Design Process

Software Development Tools

QA Tools Test Tools

Personal Software Process (PSP) Forms and Procedures

Learning Java Links

Campus Escort and Emergency Telephone Numbers

This page is frequently updated. Additional resources will be added as the quarter progresses.

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