

Pic Specs: 7000(ish?) spheres, 2 triangles, 6 bounces, 640x480 image, ~2fps

Many balls. Getting this to run in an openGL context is impressive in itself. While my raytracer certainly doesn't reach realtime for this monster file, I think rendering in less than a second is great. I hope to investigate some improvements to the BVH to speed this process up even further.


Pic Specs: 3 spheres, a surprising amount of triangles, 2 boxes, and a plane

640x480 image, ~ 40 fps

Shows all the shapes in all their glory with transforms included.


Pic Specs: Many spheres, 2 triangles, 6 bounces, 640x480 image, ~2fps

Gnar, man. Serious gnar. Pretty much the same as Balls2 as far as tech specs go, but it's a fancy pic nonetheless! Having the interactive camera really lets you zoom into a nice view for the pic.


Pic Specs: 2 spheres, 1 plane, 640x480 image, >>100 fps

Simple and beautiful! Reflections and a nice rosy purple. Feel the love!


Pic Specs: 1 spheres, 4 planes, 640x480 image, >>100 fps

Simple recursion pic, just to prove I can do it :P