This is the complete list of members for OOOGL::TextureArray, including all inherited members.
_destroyGLTexture(const GLuint *self) (defined in OOOGL::Texture) | OOOGL::Texture | inlineprotectedstatic |
ATTACHMENT_3DTEXTURE enum value (defined in OOOGL::FramebufferAttachable) | OOOGL::FramebufferAttachable | |
ATTACHMENT_ERROR enum value (defined in OOOGL::FramebufferAttachable) | OOOGL::FramebufferAttachable | |
ATTACHMENT_RENDERBUFFER enum value (defined in OOOGL::FramebufferAttachable) | OOOGL::FramebufferAttachable | |
ATTACHMENT_TEXTURE enum value (defined in OOOGL::FramebufferAttachable) | OOOGL::FramebufferAttachable | |
AttachmentType enum name (defined in OOOGL::FramebufferAttachable) | OOOGL::FramebufferAttachable | |
copyParametersFrom(const Texture &other) (defined in OOOGL::Texture) | OOOGL::Texture | virtual |
depth_stencil_mode (defined in OOOGL::Texture) | OOOGL::Texture | protected |
FramebufferAttachable(OglObjectDestroyer destroyer) (defined in OOOGL::FramebufferAttachable) | OOOGL::FramebufferAttachable | inline |
FramebufferAttachable() (defined in OOOGL::FramebufferAttachable) | OOOGL::FramebufferAttachable | inlineprotected |
FramebufferAttachable(const PersistentOglName &zombie) (defined in OOOGL::FramebufferAttachable) | OOOGL::FramebufferAttachable | inlineprotected |
getAttachmentType() const override (defined in OOOGL::TextureArray) | OOOGL::TextureArray | inlinevirtual |
getDepthStencilMode() const (defined in OOOGL::Texture) | OOOGL::Texture | inline |
getFormat() const (defined in OOOGL::Texture) | OOOGL::Texture | inline |
getIdPtr() (defined in OOOGL::PersistentOglName) | OOOGL::PersistentOglName | inline |
getIdPtr() const (defined in OOOGL::PersistentOglName) | OOOGL::PersistentOglName | inline |
getInternalFormat() const (defined in OOOGL::Texture) | OOOGL::Texture | inline |
getMagFilter() const (defined in OOOGL::Texture) | OOOGL::Texture | inline |
getMinFilter() const (defined in OOOGL::Texture) | OOOGL::Texture | inline |
getName() const override (defined in OOOGL::PersistentOglName) | OOOGL::PersistentOglName | inlinevirtual |
getNameDirect() const (defined in OOOGL::PersistentOglName) | OOOGL::PersistentOglName | inline |
getTextureExtensionMode() const (defined in OOOGL::Texture) | OOOGL::Texture | inline |
getType() const (defined in OOOGL::Texture) | OOOGL::Texture | inline |
getXdim() const (defined in OOOGL::Texture) | OOOGL::Texture | inline |
getYdim() const (defined in OOOGL::Texture) | OOOGL::Texture | inline |
getZdim() const (defined in OOOGL::Texture) | OOOGL::Texture | inline |
initParams() (defined in OOOGL::Texture) | OOOGL::Texture | protectedvirtual |
internal_format (defined in OOOGL::Texture) | OOOGL::Texture | protected |
isPossessible() const override (defined in OOOGL::PersistentOglName) | OOOGL::PersistentOglName | inlinevirtual |
isZombie() const (defined in OOOGL::PersistentOglName) | OOOGL::PersistentOglName | inlinevirtual |
loadImageIntoLayer(const Image &image, GLuint layer, GLint x_offset=0, GLint y_offset=0) (defined in OOOGL::TextureArray) | OOOGL::TextureArray | |
mag_filter (defined in OOOGL::Texture) | OOOGL::Texture | protected |
makeEmptyTextureArray(GLuint x, GLuint y, GLuint z, GLenum internal_format=GL_RGB8, GLenum format=GL_RGB, GLenum type=GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, GLenum min_filter=GL_LINEAR, GLenum mag_filter=GL_LINEAR, bool skip_zero_fill=false) (defined in OOOGL::TextureArray) | OOOGL::TextureArray | |
makeZombie() (defined in OOOGL::PersistentOglName) | OOOGL::PersistentOglName | inlinevirtual |
min_filter (defined in OOOGL::Texture) | OOOGL::Texture | protected |
OglObject(OglObjectDestroyer destroyer) (defined in OOOGL::OglObject) | OOOGL::OglObject | inline |
OglObject(const PersistentOglName &zombie) (defined in OOOGL::OglObject) | OOOGL::OglObject | inlineprotected |
operator GLuint() const (defined in OOOGL::OglNameInterface) | OOOGL::OglNameInterface | inline |
PersistentOglName() (defined in OOOGL::PersistentOglName) | OOOGL::PersistentOglName | inline |
PersistentOglName(OglObjectDestroyer destroyer) (defined in OOOGL::PersistentOglName) | OOOGL::PersistentOglName | inline |
PersistentOglName(GLuint id, OglObjectDestroyer destroyer) (defined in OOOGL::PersistentOglName) | OOOGL::PersistentOglName | inline |
setDepthStencilMode(GLenum mode) (defined in OOOGL::Texture) | OOOGL::Texture | inline |
setMagFilter(GLenum filter) (defined in OOOGL::Texture) | OOOGL::Texture | inline |
setMinFilter(GLenum filter) (defined in OOOGL::Texture) | OOOGL::Texture | inline |
setTextureExtensionMode(GLenum mode) (defined in OOOGL::Texture) | OOOGL::Texture | inline |
setTextureExtensionMode(GLenum wrapS, GLenum wrapT, GLenum wrapR) (defined in OOOGL::Texture) | OOOGL::Texture | |
setTextureExtensionModeTuple(const GLenum *tuple) (defined in OOOGL::Texture) | OOOGL::Texture | |
Texture() (defined in OOOGL::Texture) | OOOGL::Texture | inline |
Texture(const PersistentOglName &zombie) (defined in OOOGL::Texture) | OOOGL::Texture | inlineprotected |
texture_extension_mode (defined in OOOGL::Texture) | OOOGL::Texture | protected |
texture_format (defined in OOOGL::Texture) | OOOGL::Texture | protected |
texture_type (defined in OOOGL::Texture) | OOOGL::Texture | protected |
TextureArray() (defined in OOOGL::TextureArray) | OOOGL::TextureArray | inline |
TextureArray(GLuint x, GLuint y, GLuint z, GLenum internal_format=GL_RGB8, GLenum format=GL_RGB, GLenum type=GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE) (defined in OOOGL::TextureArray) | OOOGL::TextureArray | inline |
x (defined in OOOGL::Texture) | OOOGL::Texture | protected |
y (defined in OOOGL::Texture) | OOOGL::Texture | protected |
z (defined in OOOGL::Texture) | OOOGL::Texture | protected |
~OglNameInterface() (defined in OOOGL::OglNameInterface) | OOOGL::OglNameInterface | inlinevirtual |
~PersistentOglName() noexcept (defined in OOOGL::PersistentOglName) | OOOGL::PersistentOglName | inlinevirtual |