CSC 402 - Requirements Engineering - fall 2002
There are many links in the syllabus and related documents; you must
follow those links to thoroughly understand all course requirements.
Course Objective:
To learn skills required to produce and maintain a high-quality
software product on time and within budget.
Permission of instructor.
Course Description
Software requirements elicitation, analysis and documentation. Team process infrastructure and resource estimation to support appropriate levels of quality. Software architectural design.
Course Tools
The software engineering profession is rife with tools; there are
literally thousands of tools available to [supposedly] help software
development. In CSC 402, the focus is placed on process - not tools.
The tools we use are:
- English
- (some) Unified Modeling Language diagrams
- RSL, Requirements Specification Language
- Some line drawing tool (e.g. for data flow diagrams)
Group Project
All of the work in CSC402 is connected to a three term (one year) project.
You will work in a group to carry out each phase of the project.
Two Minute Talks
Each student is required to give two 2 minutes talks in class during
the quarter. Each talk must discuss something related to CSC 402. Talks
will be scheduled on a first-come first-serve basis. You must
stand and speak without notes or slides. Current events
discussions are particularly encouraged.
Note that you can avoid the written answers to reading questions if
you are willing
to give additional extemporaneous two minute talks on the
course readings.
In this case, you will be asked to answer, without prior notice, questions
about the course readings for the week.
Individual Notebook
Each individual is required to keep a course notebook and bring the
notebook to every class meeting. Every entry in the notebook must be
dated and clearly labeled. The major objective of the notebook is
writing practice; write every entry in your own words.
The notebook must contain, at a minimum:
- Your name, section # and group logo on the outside.
- Lists of assigned action items.
- Notes on action item work.
- Notes on interviews, research, tools and anything else of project interest.
- Weekly status reports.
- Answers to reading questions.
(note you can avoid this requirement with two minute talks)
TBD. However, you will be asked to write
a self-evaluation twice during the quarter.
All grading in CSC 402 is done using the modified
Writing Proficiency Exam Grading System .
The project is the cornerstone of this course and is the primary basis of
your course grade. The project grade is assigned on an individual basis;
each student will earn a project grade of A, B ... or F assigned subjectively.
The best way to earn an A is to accept and complete action items on your
group deliverables.
Coat-tail hanging or non-performance by an individual will result in a course grade of F. You are required to participate fully in your group project.
I expect each member of a well-run group to receive an A. You cannot receive a course grade until your portion of the project is completed satisfactorily.
In addition, any deliverable document is not final (not graded) until it
is signed by the client, each member of the group intending to continue
in the 405 / 406 sequence, and the instructor.
The project evaluation is done as if you were a corporate employee.
Each project deliverable must be completed in a professional way; when finished the deliverable will be assigned a grade of 4 or higher. Work will always be returned until it reaches a professional standard.
If substandard work (< 4) is turned in toward the end of the quarter, all group members will earn a course grade of F.
Your course grade will also be affected by homework, the contents of your notebook, weekly status reports and your 2 minute talks as follows:
- All homework must be completed satisfactorily (grade > 3) to pass the course; homework is an individual assignment.
- A satisfactory notebook must be completed (overall grade of 4 or above)
to pass the course; your notebook will be checked and graded regularly. Missing
entries will result in a grade of 0 for that grading period.
- Each missed or unsatisfactory status report will lower your course
grade one grade. (e.g. A to A-)
- 2 minute talks are graded pass/fail. Each failed or missed talk will
lower your course grade one grade. You can make up one failure
by giving another talk at a later time. Reasons to earn an F on a two
minute talk:
Use of notes or slides without prior permission.
Use of the words "basically" or "like".
Insufficient content or substance.
You will be assigned a required laboratory meeting each week; each missed laboratory, without prior notification, will lower your course grade 3 grades.
(e.g. A to B)
Late Work Policies
A software engineer has a responsibility to manage time effectively and
turn in work on time. Most deadlines are rarely absolute; if you are having
a problem, discuss it; this advice applies to the workplace as well as any
college class.
For CSC 402, the following nominal late policies apply:
- Homework
Homework may be occasionally assigned. It must be turned in on the
due date or you will receive a course grade of F.
Unacceptable homework will be returned for resubmittal until it
receives a grade of 4 or above.
The first resubmittal may be turned in, without penalty,
one week after it is returned. Failure to resubmit work on time or
subsequent resubmittals will be penalized one grade per week or partial
- Status reports
A missing status report will cost you one course grade; late status reports
are not accepted.
- Reading questions
Missed reading questions will cost you one course grade. If your reading
questions receive a grade less than 4, you may resubmit them, without
penalty, up to a week later. After a week, each unacceptable or
late reading question will be penalized one grade per week.
- Project deadlines
Project deliverables must be turned in on time, even if incomplete.
If a significant part of a deliverable is missing, the individual responsible
will be penalized 3 grades (e.g. A to B). Deliverables with a grade less
than 4 may be resubmitted, without penalty, up to one week later.
Failure to resubmit work or subsequent resubmittals will be penalized
one grade per week or partial week.
Note: depending on circumstances, project deliverable penalties are assessed on an individual or group basis. If your group has a non-performer, turn in
your deliverables on-time with an accurate credits section. The identity
of the non-performer will be crystal clear.
All work submitted is to be your own. Cooperative study and mutual aid are healthy learning methods and are strongly encouraged. You are especially encouraged to work with other groups. It is cheating to copy someone's work or allow someone to copy your work. It is cheating to copy material from a publication without giving credit. Plagiarism will result in a course grade of F.
The best place to discuss the course is during lecture and laboratory
times. Email is a poor substitute for direct communication.
I do expect every student to obtain a Falcon account; all email will
be addressed to that account.
All homework and project assignments will be placed on the Web and
announced in lecture. Most class materials are available on the Web;
be sure to check them regularly.
Course Rules
A large part of this course is learning how to work in groups. These rules are designed to help you work effectively in a group and to ensure that the project moves along during the quarter.
- Job Assignments
Each person must have an assigned job in each phase. See the
job list to ensure that you meet this requirement.
- Group Name and Logo
It is important for each group to have an identity; part of that identity is established by having a name and logo. Both must be clearly visible on everything handed in by the group.
- Group Meetings
Each group meeting must be documented with a
written meeting report .
Handwritten reports on the form are acceptable. Meeting notes should be turned in each week at your group meeting. These meeting reports are especially
important for those groups that experience difficulty completing the project.
- Deliverables
Every deliverable must be professionally done; assume you are working for a corporation and are turning in something to your boss. Some specific requirements are:
- English structure, grammar and spelling must be of professional quality.
- The group logo, section # and current date must be on the front page.
- Write a credits page; who is responsible for each part of the deliverable?
- Pages must be numbered.
- Printing must be of high quality.
- Status Reports
Almost all managers require some kind of periodic status report. In this company, status reports are due, in your notebook, at your assigned laboratory meeting. Status reports will be primarily graded on the quality of the writing and adherence to format; the grade can drastically affect your course grade (see grading).
- Laboratory Meeting
Your group will be assigned one laboratory period each week to meet with the boss. Attendance at this meeting is mandatory! Bring all current group work even if it is in draft form.
In addition, each individual must bring her notebook to each
laboratory period.
- Bad Words
Don't use bad words in any context.
- Notebook Due Dates
Notebook deliverables (e.g. status reports, readings) are due
at the beginning of your group's first lab period after the
assigned due date.
Last updated on 10/01/00