Enchant.js Guide

by Patrick Casao, Cal Poly

14 Plugin: Mixing Class Inheritance - mixing.enchant.js

You can reach the timeline plugin example here.

01 A Word on mixing.enchant.js
02 Mixing Example

14.01 - A Word on mixing.enchant.js

enchant.js provides support for class inheritance, which you can read more about here.

On this note, the mixing.enchant.js plugin provides support for creating classes with multiple inheritance. The mixing method enchant.Class.mixClasses() takes in the parameters: firstClass, secondClass, useOnlyOwnPropertiesForSecondclass, and initializeMethod.

The firstClass and secondClass parameters are the two Classes you intend to mix.

The useOnlyOwnProperties is an optional boolean parameter that, if true, does not include properties given to it by the second class’s superclass. Not setting it to true can lead to strange behavior of a resulting class such as twicefold execution of methods provided by a shared superclass. By default, the flag is set to false.

initializeMethod is an optional method parameter that is used as the constructor for the resulting class.

14.02 - Mixing Example

In my simple example of the mixing plugin, I created two separate classes named A and B, with their code shown below.

Class A

A = Class.create(Sprite, {
	initialize: function(){
		Sprite.call(this, 16, 16);
		this.image = game.assets['icon0.png'];
		this.x = stgWidth/2 - this.width;
		this.y = stgHeight/2 - this.height;
		this.moveVert = 2.0;
		this.frame = 22;
	onenterframe: function(){
		this.y += this.moveVert;
		if(this.y >= stgHeight - 20){
			this.moveVert *= -1.0;
		else if(this.y <= 20){
			this.moveVert *= -1.0;
Class B

B = Class.create(Sprite, {
	initialize: function(){
		Sprite.call(this, 16, 16);
		this.image = game.assets['icon0.png'];
		this.x = stgWidth/2 - this.width;
		this.y = stgHeight/2 - this.height;
		this.moveHorz = 2.0;
		this.frame = 23;
	onenterframe: function(){
		this.x += this.moveHorz;
		if(this.x >= stgWidth - 20){
			this.moveHorz *= -1.0;
		else if(this.x <= 20){
			this.moveHorz *= -1.0;
In short, Class A moves left and right on the scene, and Class B moves up and down. This is pictured below in Figure 14.01.

Figure 14.01: Class A and B

I then called the mixing method below like so:

var C = enchant.Class.mixClasses(A, B, true);
in order to create the Class C which inherits from the two classes. Also note that I’ve set useOnlyOwnProperties to true, and did not pass anything for initializeMethod.

Following this, I’ve created an instance of the Class C and added it to the scene. The result is a sprite that moves back and forth along both the X and Y axes in a diagonal fashion. This is pictured below in Figure 14.02.

Figure 14.02: The Newly Created Class C

For more information on mixing, you can read more about it here.