Class InformationRecord2


public class InformationRecord2

Class InformationRecord2 defines a simple record structure, suitable for use in testing the LookupTable class of assignment 3.

Field Summary
protected  java.lang.String address
          Street address
protected  int age
protected  int id
          Unique 9-digit id
protected  java.lang.String name
          Person name
Constructor Summary
InformationRecord2(java.lang.String name, int age, int id, java.lang.String address)
          Construct an InformationRecord with the given field values.
Method Summary
 boolean equals(java.lang.Object obj)
          Define equals as elementwise equality.
 java.lang.Object getKey()
          Return the id field of this as the key value.
 java.lang.Object getKey2()
          Return the id field of this as the key value.
 int hash(java.lang.Object key, int tableSize)
          Compute the hash index for this record as the given key modulo the given table size.
 int hash2(java.lang.Object key, int tableSize)
          Compute the hash index for this record by summing all of the characters of the given String key with the following formula: (37 * char[0]) + (37^2 * char[1]) + ...
 java.lang.String toString()
          Convert this to a four-tuple of the form {name, age, id, address}.

Field Detail


protected java.lang.String name
Person name


protected int age


protected int id
Unique 9-digit id


protected java.lang.String address
Street address
Constructor Detail


public InformationRecord2(java.lang.String name,
                          int age,
                          int id,
                          java.lang.String address)
Construct an InformationRecord with the given field values.
Method Detail


public java.lang.Object getKey()
Return the id field of this as the key value.


public java.lang.Object getKey2()
Return the id field of this as the key value.


public int hash(java.lang.Object key,
                int tableSize)
Compute the hash index for this record as the given key modulo the given table size. The given key is assumed to be an Integer id.


public int hash2(java.lang.Object key,
                 int tableSize)
Compute the hash index for this record by summing all of the characters of the given String key with the following formula: (37 * char[0]) + (37^2 * char[1]) + ... + (37^(l-1) * char[l]) where 37 is an empirically chosen value to provide good distribution and l = key.length(). Return the sum mod the given table size.


public java.lang.String toString()
Convert this to a four-tuple of the form {name, age, id, address}.


public boolean equals(java.lang.Object obj)
Define equals as elementwise equality.