Compute the hash index for this record by summing all of the characters
of the given String key with the following formula:
(37 * char[0]) + (37^2 * char[1]) + ...
Compute a hash index for the given string by summing the first three
string characters with the formula:
char[0] + (27 * char[1]) + (729 * char[2])
where 27 is the number of letter in the alphabet + 1 for a blank, and
729 is 272.
Class HashEntryTypeInvalid is an exception that is thrown by HashTable.enter if the type of
enter's input parameter is different than the type with which the table was
Class HashIndexInvalid is an exception that is thrown by HashTable.enter if the return
value of HashTableEntry.hash is out of the table range of 0 to tableSize-1.
Recursive work doer for toString(), converting the given node value to a
string, preceded by indent spacing, followed by the recursive toString
of the left and right subtrees.
Recursive work doer for toString(), converting the given node value to a
string, preceded by indent spacing, followed by the recursive toString
of the left and right subtrees.
Recursive work doer for toString(), converting the given node value to a
string, preceded by indent spacing, followed by the recursive toString
of the left and right subtrees.