2.5.6. Dynamic View Updating

Whenever a user confirms execution of a `Schedule' or `View' command, the visible effects of the command, if any, are immediately reflected in all affected display windows for that user, unless filter or option settings limit the visibility of the effects. The definition of "affected display window" is any active window the contents of which are altered by the command execution. The scenarios in the preceding sections describe the specific effects of commands in specific contexts.

When a meeting scheduler confirms an operation to schedule, change, or delete a meeting, the notification dialog and penciled-in changes appear immediately on the displays of all active attending users whose filter and option settings permit, and who are connected to the central host computer from which the notification originates. If user option settings or host connection state limit when the notification dialog can appear, it appears as soon as the option settings and connection allow or are changed to allow. When a user hides penciled-in items, such items appear immediately after the user changes the appropriate setting to allow them to appear.

Display updates to other user and group calendars do not appear dynamically. For example, if user A is viewing user B, changes made by user B do not appear on user A's screen until user A re-executes the command that generates the view of user B's calendar. Similarly, if user A is viewing group calendar G, changes made by a leader of G do not appear on A's screen until A re-executes the command that generates the changed group calendar view.

When an administrative user confirms execution of an `Admin' command, display updates appear dynamically on the the adminstrative user's display of the Calendar Tool Adminstration program. Also, any administrator-generated notifications appear dynaically on the affected users' displays. Adminstrative notifications are generated for adding, changing, and deleting user records, and by the `Notify Users' command.

Aside from administrative notifications, changes to adminstrative data do not appear dynamically on affected users' screens. For example, if a user is viewing a record in the user database, changes made by an admistrator to that record to not appear on the user's screen until the user re-executes the command that generates the user-record display. Complete details of adminstrator database changes are presented in Section 2.6.

When the user confirms category changes or applies option changes, the effects are reflected immediately in all affected displays. Details of category and option change effects are covered in Sections 2.5.5 and 2.7 respectively.

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