List of Figures

List of Figures

Figure 1: Initial screen
Figure 2: Expanded command menus
Figure 3: Appointment Scheduling Dialog
Figure 4: Initial categories menu
Figure 5: Edit categories dialog; Editorial Note: This is a rough sketch
Figure 6: Add category dialog; Editorial Note: This is a very rough sketch
Figure 7: Scheduling a Second Appointment
Figure 8: Day view
Figure 9: Weekly View
Figure 10: Yearly View
Figure 11: View lists dialog
Figure 12: Basic Appointments List
Figure 13: List Sorting Dialog
Figure 14: List sorting keys
Figure 15: Filtering dialog initial sketch
Figure 16: Dentist apppointment reminder
Figure 17: Event email reminder
Figure 18: Meeting scheduling dialog
Figure 19: Meeting scheduling dialog
Figure 20: Task scheduling dialog
Figure 21: Event scheduling dialog
Figure 22: User database dialog
Figure 23: Add-user dialog
Figure 24: Group database dialog