1.5.4 Adit Testdesk

Adit Software released this test building tool in June of 2006. Their website claims that it "takes care of every aspect from designing a test to running an exam, grading and analyzing the results". They also claim that it can handle tests "of any complexity".

The program has an Microsoft Office 2007 like interface, to purportedly ease the user into the program. It has the same color scheme, and similar layouts and fonts. What it doesn't offer is ease of use. The interface is confusing and poorly laid out.

The program does have many different question types available, but it doesn't seem to offer questions for programming. The program claims that more advanced tests can be graded via "scripts" but the scripts are in a proprietary language to the program.

The documentation in the program is also severely lacking. There are tool tips, and textboxes are marked, but more detailed help doesn't seem to work at all. The online help function is completely broken. The help doesn't show up at all when searched for, instead showing a white screen on every page. This makes it very difficult to learn the program's proprietary scripting language.

Testdesk might be good for casual test developer provided that they can get past the interface, but more demanding test writers may find that it doesn't quite suit their needs.

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