1.5.3 Exam-software
Exam-software is a very secure exam creation and administration application. It allows instructors to create digital exams that may be taken on any
windows computer running the Exam-software application. This makes the test administration somewhat cumbersome and very expensive.
Using exam-software to create tests is time-consuming. There is no database of questions to use and each test must be created one question at a time.
This does not make test creation any easier for instructors.
Exam-software does come with an automatic grading feature. Students are able to receive immediate feedback when submitting a test and it saves instructors
time when grading exams. It does not interface with any other grading software and only the results of one student's test may be viewed at a time so answer
files must be loaded for each student.
Good Features:
- Question designer is very straightforward and easy to use.
- Exam Files can be exported/imported/merged.
- A timer can be set for each question or for the entire test.
- Security appears to be very thorough.
Bad Features:
- Test administration is done manually. Teachers must send the exam file and students must send their answer file back to the teacher via email.
- Has "Topics" that can be assigned to each question but the topic attribute does not appear to do anything.
- Images and Audio/Video may be added, but they are not embedded in the question. A button opens a pop-up containing the attached media.
- Question navigation when taking the test is poorly handled and it would be difficult to take an exam using this software.
- Restricting other applications may have worked on older versions of windows but no longer works.
- When printing a test, there are no options to adjust spacing or any attributes of the test and the test that is printed is very basic.
- The User Interface is confusing and difficult to understand initially.
Missing Features:
- Does not support Code-type Questions.
- Does not have a question database so questions must be written when the exam is created.
- No basic test-generator, all tests must be created manually.
- No automatic grading of essay-type questions.
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