1.5.2 Easy Test Maker

EasyTestMaker is a web-based application that fascilitates the creation of tests to be printed out or published on the web.Unfortunately, it is quite limited in scope, but it does what it is intented to do very well.

EasyTestMaker supports the following question formats: multiple choice, fill in the blank, matching, short answer, and true and false.

Multiple choice questions can have any number of choices. Fill in the blank has a simple and convenient syntax for specifying the blanks to be filled in by the student.

Matching questions can be randomized, and the UI is simple and intuitive. Short answer questions can specify the number of lines on the page they should take up. True and false questions are also simple and intuitive.

Questions can be formatted with a quite rich editor, which supports bold, italics, highlighting, underline, justify left/right/center, font, and font size.

Overall, the UI for adding questions is very nice, as it should be, because this is the principle use of the application. Tests can be saved after they are created, and randomized in order (so each student doesn't receive an identical test).

A crucial and useful feature that is missing from EasyTestMaker is a database of questions. Tests can only be made from scratch, saved and loaded, or modified from a previously made test, but the application doesn't do any sort of test generation from a supplied bank of questions. Obviously, the notion of a question with properties, such as difficulty, expected duration, keyword, etc. is lacking as well.

Good features

Missing features

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