1.5.4. BigBlueButton
BigBlueButton is an open-source web conferencing tool designed to be as easy to use as "clicking a single metaphorical big blue button," integrating the use of PDF or Office Document slides, desktop sharing, webcams, microphones, roll call, and a chat box. Interaction between all participants can be kept private or open to the public audience. BigBlueButton was built using 14 open source components running on Mac, Unix, and Windows computers. Through the use of an open source code, BigBlueButton hopes to invite all users to participate in the community and create a better product for all to use.
Good Features:
Compatible with all operating systems.
Web based, allowing students and teachers to present or view from any location.
Chat room allows students or teachers to chat with everyone, or chose who to privately chat with.
Desktop, webcam, and microphone sharing available for all users, with basic block and allow commands for the teacher.
Easy to understand controls for all users.
Resizable windows allows each user to focus on whatever feature they prefer, be it a shared desktop, the presentation slides, the chat room, or a shared webcam.
Teachers can write on slides to add notes or highlight important sections.
Students can "raise their hand" to ask questions.
Open source means features are constantly being updated, the project will only get better with time.
Bad Features:
Teachers can only record a session without viewers present.
Whiteboard feature only allows you to write on the current slide.
Missing Features:
Students cannot write on slides or save their notes.
Ability to modify slides in real time.
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