2.2.1 Importing a Presentation from an External Source

The scenarios in this section explain how to import an HTML presentation. The scenario assumes the user has already logged into the program. For scenarios detailing logging in, see Section 2.1.1.

After logging into the program an administrative user or teacher is greeted with the inital creation screen. To create a new presentation, the user selects "Create a New Presentation."


Figure 1: The Admin Starting Screen.

The user selects "Open a Presentation," bringing up the Open dialog box.


Figure 2: The Open Dialog box.

The user navigates to their folder and selects PresentationDemo.html. The user then selects the "OPEN" button to import the presentation slides.


Figure 3: Opening a Presentation.

The presentation is now imported. For information on presenting the slides, see
Section 2.3.


Figure 4: A Completed Presentation.

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