accept - Variable in class view.SelectionPanel
acceptSelection() - Method in class view.SelectionPanel
accepts the current selection and goes to the view screen
accessDatabase(MainUI.DatabaseSelection) - Method in class admin.MainUI
AccessDatabase allows the administrative user to access, update, and modify a selected database, as specified by 'selection'.
add(Course) - Method in class admin.CourseDB
The add function add a course to the temporary database
add() - Method in class admin.InstructorDB
The add function will allow you to add an item to the current database
add() - Method in class admin.RoomDB
add function will let you add an entry to the room database
add() - Method in class instructor.TimePreferencesGUI
Adds TimeBlock to temporary editing time preferences
addAdministratorOverride() - Method in class admin.TimePreferenceEditing
AddAdministratorOverride will change the scheduling algorithm to take into account the preferences provided by the administrator as well as those provided by the instructor.
addCourse(Course) - Method in class schedule.AdminCourseOverlap
This method is called each time an admin adds a course to a Collection of courses they would not like to be scheduled with overlap.
addCourse(Course) - Method in class student.FutureScheduleUI
AddCourse adds the desiredCourse to the student's preferred schedule.
addScheduledItem(Day, ScheduledItem) - Method in class schedule.Schedule
Function that will add a course to the schedule.
adjCourseScore - Variable in class schedule.AdminAdjCourseDistConstraint
admin - package admin
Package admin defines objects related to the main admin view and associated databases.
AdminAdjCourseDistConstraint - Class in schedule
This object saves the maximum distance between two adjacent courses.
AdminAdjCourseDistConstraint() - Constructor for class schedule.AdminAdjCourseDistConstraint
AdminConstraints - Class in schedule
This class represents the sequence of button selections as seen in Section 2.4.1 of the Functional Requirements.
AdminConstraints() - Constructor for class schedule.AdminConstraints
AdminCourseOverlap - Class in schedule
This class defines a Collection of courses the admin populates.
AdminCourseOverlap() - Constructor for class schedule.AdminCourseOverlap
administratorOverride - Variable in class admin.TimePreferenceEditing
AdminLectLabTimeConstraint - Class in schedule
This object defines the time constraint between all lecture and lab sections.
AdminLectLabTimeConstraint() - Constructor for class schedule.AdminLectLabTimeConstraint
adminSelected - Variable in class admin.TimeBlock
AdminTimeConstraint - Class in schedule
This class defines a Collection of TimeConstraints set by the admin.
AdminTimeConstraint() - Constructor for class schedule.AdminTimeConstraint
AttributeView - Class in view
Attribute view object that shows the user a schedules attributes.
AttributeView() - Constructor for class view.AttributeView
automaticSchedule() - Method in class schedule.ScheduleGen


back() - Method in class schedule.AdminConstraints
This method will exit the admin out of the constraint selection.
blockEnd - Variable in class admin.TimeBlock
blockEnd - Variable in class instructor.TimeBlock
blockEnd - Variable in class schedule.TimeBlock
blocks - Variable in class admin.Day
blockStart - Variable in class admin.TimeBlock
blockStart - Variable in class instructor.TimeBlock
blockStart - Variable in class schedule.TimeBlock
building - Variable in class schedule.Room
The building and number of the room
Building - Class in view
represents a building
Building() - Constructor for class view.Building
buildingNumber - Variable in class admin.Room
buildingNumber - Variable in class view.Building
buildingNumber - Variable in class view.Room
buildingSelect - Variable in class view.ByRoomTab
ByCourseTab - Class in view
represents the view by course tab of the Schedule view
ByCourseTab() - Constructor for class view.ByCourseTab
ByInstructorTab - Class in view
represents the view by instructor tab of the Schedule view
ByInstructorTab() - Constructor for class view.ByInstructorTab
ByRoomTab - Class in view
represents the view by room tab of the Schedule view
ByRoomTab() - Constructor for class view.ByRoomTab


classDB() - Method in class admin.DBui
classDB function takes you to a view of the class database
constraints - Variable in class schedule.AdminTimeConstraint
constraintScore - Variable in class view.AttributeView
The scores shown on the dialog box
Course - Class in admin
This class contains the information needed by the administrator interfaces to keep track of course preferences.
Course() - Constructor for class admin.Course
Course - Class in instructor
This class contains the information for a course needed by Instructor Course Preferences.
Course() - Constructor for class instructor.Course
Course - Class in schedule
Object that describes a particular course
Course() - Constructor for class schedule.Course
course - Variable in class schedule.ScheduledItem
Course - Class in student
This class contains the necessary information for maintaining courses in the student interfaces.
Course() - Constructor for class student.Course
Course - Class in view
represents a course to be taught
Course() - Constructor for class view.Course
CourseDB - Class in admin
A courseDB object is generated by the CourseDB generator and contains records relating to all the courses.
CourseDB() - Constructor for class admin.CourseDB
courseDB - Variable in class admin.CourseDB
The collection of courses that have been added to the database
courseID - Variable in class instructor.Course
courseId - Variable in class view.Course
courseId - Variable in class view.Section
courseInstructor - Variable in class view.Section
courseName - Variable in class instructor.Course
courseNum - Variable in class schedule.Course
courseNum - Variable in class view.Course
CoursePreferenceEditing - Class in admin
This class contains the functionality allowing the administrative user to override the course preferences of the instructors.
CoursePreferenceEditing() - Constructor for class admin.CoursePreferenceEditing
coursePreferences - Variable in class admin.Instructor
coursePreferences - Variable in class instructor.Instructor
CoursePreferencesGUI - Class in instructor
This class contains the objects necessary for Instructor Course Preferences
CoursePreferencesGUI() - Constructor for class instructor.CoursePreferencesGUI
courseRoom - Variable in class view.Section
courses - Variable in class admin.CoursePreferenceEditing
courses - Variable in class instructor.CoursePreferencesGUI
courses - Variable in class schedule.AdminCourseOverlap
courses - Variable in class student.ViewDesiredFutureScheduleUI
courses - Variable in class view.FilterTab
courses - Variable in class view.ManualScheduleView
The course, instructor, and room selection drop down boxes
courseSelect - Variable in class view.ByCourseTab
courseSelect - Variable in class view.ListTab
courseTab - Variable in class view.ScheduleView
courseTime - Variable in class view.Section
createSchedule() - Method in class admin.MainUI
CreateSchedule brings up the interface that allows the administrative user to make a new schedule.
currentInstructor - Variable in class admin.CoursePreferenceEditing
currentInstructor - Variable in class admin.TimePreferenceEditing
currentInterior - Variable in class view.ScheduleView
currentSchedule - Variable in class view.ScheduleView


Day - Class in admin
The Day class contains information on when the day starts and ends, as well as a collection of TimeBlocks corresponding the an instructor's preferred teaching times during a day.
Day() - Constructor for class admin.Day
day - Variable in class admin.TimePreferenceEditing
Day - Class in schedule
A Day object represents the a day of the Schedule, and contains every course that is schedule for the specific day.
Day() - Constructor for class schedule.Day
dayAbbreviation - Variable in class schedule.Day
Day abbreviation: M = Monday T = Tuesday W = Wednesday R = Thursday F = Friday
dayEnd - Variable in class admin.Day
dayName - Variable in class schedule.Day
Day name, i.e.
days - Variable in class schedule.Schedule
The collection of days in a schedule.
days - Variable in class view.ManualScheduleView
days - Variable in class view.Section
dayStart - Variable in class admin.Day
DBui - Class in admin
The DBui Class is responsible for showing the main database menu.
DBui() - Constructor for class admin.DBui
delete() - Method in class instructor.TimePreferencesGUI
Removes the specified TimeBlock from the temporary editing time preferences
dept - Variable in class admin.Course
Course subject, eg.
dept - Variable in class instructor.Course
dept - Variable in class instructor.Instructor
dept - Variable in class schedule.Course
deSelectAll(Collection<Teacher>) - Method in class view.FilterTab
marks all elements in the collection as not selected
deSelectAll(Collection<Course>) - Method in class view.FilterTab
marks all elements in the collection as not selected
deSelectAll(Collection<Room>) - Method in class view.FilterTab
marks all elements in the collection as not selected
desiredCourse - Variable in class student.FutureScheduleUI
desiredQuarter - Variable in class student.FutureScheduleUI


edit(int) - Method in class admin.InstructorDB
The edit function will allow you to go in and edit a database entry
edit(int) - Method in class admin.RoomDB
edit function will let you go in edit an entry in the room database
editPreferences - Variable in class instructor.IntroGUI
editPreferences() - Method in class instructor.IntroGUI
editSchedule() - Method in class admin.MainUI
EditSchedule brings up the interface that allows the administrative user to make any changes to existing schedules.
email - Variable in class instructor.Instructor
endTime - Variable in class view.TimeBlock
enterFutureSchedulePreference() - Method in class student.MainUI
EnterFutureSchedulePreference brings up the user interface that allows a student to enter their preferences for what they would like to take in upcoming quarters in order to help the scheduling administrator create enough sections.


fairness - Variable in class view.AttributeView
fallInstances - Variable in class admin.Course
Number of times the course is usually offered in the fall
Filter - Class in view
represents a filter to be used to constrain what is shown in the various view interfaces
Filter() - Constructor for class view.Filter
filters - Variable in class view.ScheduleView
FilterTab - Class in view
represents the basic setup of the filter selection view
FilterTab() - Constructor for class view.FilterTab
first - Variable in class instructor.Name
firstName - Variable in class schedule.Teacher
firstName - Variable in class view.Teacher
fixedDistances - Variable in class schedule.AdminAdjCourseDistConstraint
FutureScheduleUI - Class in student
This is the user interface that will allow the student user to view and edit their preferred future schedule.
FutureScheduleUI() - Constructor for class student.FutureScheduleUI


genAutoSchedule - Variable in class schedule.ScheduleGen
generate() - Method in class schedule.ScheduleGen
Method that the schedule generate runs on "Go" button click.
generateOrViewSchedule() - Method in class admin.MainUI
GenerateOrViewSchedule brings up the interface for general schedule handling.
genFromExisting - Variable in class schedule.ScheduleGen
genManualSchedule - Variable in class schedule.ScheduleGen
Booleans for each radio button
getConstraintScore() - Method in class view.AttributeView
Function to return the Constraint score the current schedule has, which represents how well a schedule meets constraints
getFairnessScore(Instructor) - Method in class view.AttributeView
Function to return the fairness score the schedule gives a given instructor
getPreferenceScore() - Method in class view.AttributeView
Function to return the Preference score of the current schedule, which represents how well a schedule meets all instructor preferences
getValue() - Method in class instructor.GUISlider
Gets saved value from the class
globalSlider - Variable in class instructor.CoursePreferencesGUI
GUISlider - Class in instructor
GUI object that measures a preference level.
GUISlider() - Constructor for class instructor.GUISlider


hours - Variable in class schedule.AdminLectLabTimeConstraint


insTab - Variable in class view.ScheduleView
instructor - package instructor
Package view defines objects related to the Instructor Interface.
Instructor - Class in admin
The Instructor class contains the information necessary for the administrative user to view and change the instructor preferences.
Instructor() - Constructor for class admin.Instructor
instructor - Variable in class instructor.CoursePreferencesGUI
Instructor - Class in instructor
This class contains individual instructor information needed by Instructor Preferences.
Instructor() - Constructor for class instructor.Instructor
instructor - Variable in class instructor.IntroGUI
instructor - Variable in class instructor.TimePreferencesGUI
instructorDB() - Method in class admin.DBui
instructorDB function takes you to a view of the instructor database
InstructorDB - Class in admin
A InstructorDB object is generated by the InstructorDB generator and contains records relating to all the courses.
InstructorDB() - Constructor for class admin.InstructorDB
instructors - Variable in class admin.CoursePreferenceEditing
instructors - Variable in class admin.InstructorDB
instructors - Variable in class admin.TimePreferenceEditing
instructors - Variable in class view.AttributeView
The instructors listed next to their corresponding fairness score and the fairness score itself are collections that will be displayed in the table view of the attribute view dialog
instructors - Variable in class view.FilterTab
instructors - Variable in class view.ManualScheduleView
instructorSelect - Variable in class view.ByInstructorTab
instructorSelect - Variable in class view.ListTab
instructorSelected - Variable in class admin.TimeBlock
IntroGUI - Class in instructor
This class contains the introduction gui provided to the instructor upon login.
IntroGUI() - Constructor for class instructor.IntroGUI
isOverlapping(TimeBlock) - Method in class schedule.TimeBlock
Returns true if this TimeBlock overlaps a given TimeBlock
isSelected - Variable in class view.Course
isSelected - Variable in class view.Room
isSelected - Variable in class view.Teacher
isValid() - Method in class schedule.Day
Function to check validity of the day.
isValid() - Method in class schedule.TimeBlock
Returns true if the blockStart is before the blockEnd time


last - Variable in class instructor.Name
lastName - Variable in class schedule.Teacher
lastName - Variable in class view.Teacher
lectLabProx - Variable in class schedule.AdminLectLabTimeConstraint
lectLabscore - Variable in class schedule.AdminLectLabTimeConstraint
ListTab - Class in view
represents the list view tab of the Schedule view
ListTab() - Constructor for class view.ListTab
listTab - Variable in class view.ScheduleView
logout - Variable in class instructor.IntroGUI
logout() - Method in class instructor.IntroGUI


MainUI - Class in admin
This class provides the functionality for the administrative user upon accessing the application.
MainUI() - Constructor for class admin.MainUI
MainUI - Class in student
This is the main user interface for the student user.
MainUI() - Constructor for class student.MainUI
MainUI.DatabaseSelection - Enum in admin
MainUI.ViewOptions - Enum in admin
mainWindow - Variable in class view.ScheduleView
mainWindow - Variable in class view.SelectionPanel
manualSchedule() - Method in class schedule.ScheduleGen
Methods for each type of schedule
ManualScheduleView - Class in view
Manual Schedule creation view as shown in Figure
ManualScheduleView() - Constructor for class view.ManualScheduleView
maxDistance - Variable in class schedule.AdminAdjCourseDistConstraint
middle - Variable in class instructor.Name
mins - Variable in class schedule.AdminLectLabTimeConstraint


name - Variable in class admin.Instructor
name - Variable in class instructor.Instructor
Name - Class in instructor
Contains the information needed for an instructor name.
Name() - Constructor for class instructor.Name
name - Variable in class view.Building
newClass() - Method in class admin.DBui
newClass function takes you straight to the add new class dialog
newInstructor() - Method in class admin.DBui
newInstructor function takes you straight to the add new instructor dialog
newRoom() - Method in class admin.DBui
newRoom function takes you straght to the add new room dialog
next() - Method in class instructor.TimePreferencesGUI
Saves time preferences to database, redirects to Course Preferences
number - Variable in class admin.Course
Course number, 101, 102, 103, 307, 308...
number - Variable in class student.Course


openAdjCourseDistDialog() - Method in class schedule.AdminConstraints
This method relates to object AdminAdjCourseDistConstraint.
openCourseOverlapDialog() - Method in class schedule.AdminConstraints
This method relates to object AdminCourseOverlap.
openLectLabTimeDialog() - Method in class schedule.AdminConstraints
This method relates to the object AdminLectLabTimeConstraint.
openTimeConstraintDialog() - Method in class schedule.AdminConstraints
This method relates to object AdminTimeConstraint.
overlapScore - Variable in class schedule.AdminCourseOverlap


preferedTeachingTimes - Variable in class admin.Instructor
preferenceNum - Variable in class instructor.GUISlider
prefScore - Variable in class view.AttributeView
print() - Method in class view.ScheduleViewInterior
prints the current Schedule


Quarter - Class in instructor
Object to keep track of the quarter information the administator has added
Quarter() - Constructor for class instructor.Quarter
quarter - Variable in class instructor.Quarter
quarter String is defined: Fall Winter Spring Summer
Quarter - Class in schedule
Quarters are used to associate a generated schedule with a specific quarter
Quarter() - Constructor for class schedule.Quarter
quarter - Variable in class student.Course
Quarter - Class in student
This class contains the necessary information for maintaining quarters in the student interfaces.
Quarter() - Constructor for class student.Quarter
quarterName - Variable in class schedule.Quarter
The quarter name, i.e.
quarters - Variable in class instructor.QuarterSelectGUI
quarters - Variable in class schedule.ScheduleGen
Dropdown for quarter selection
QuarterSelectGUI - Class in instructor
This class contains the information from the database to populate the drop down menu with current quarters to edit.
QuarterSelectGUI() - Constructor for class instructor.QuarterSelectGUI
quickAdd - Variable in class instructor.TimePreferencesGUI


remove(Course) - Method in class admin.CourseDB
The remove function will remove the course from the database
removeAdministratorOverride() - Method in class admin.TimePreferenceEditing
RemoveAdministratorOverride will change the scheduling algorithm to ignore any preferences provided by the administrator and only take into account those preferences provided by the instructor.
RemoveConstraint(int, int) - Method in class schedule.AdminTimeConstraint
This method is called whenever an admin chooses to remove a time constraint.
removeCourse(Course) - Method in class student.ViewDesiredFutureScheduleUI
RemoveCourse removes the currently selected course from the collection of currently preferred classes.
removeScheduledItem(Day, ScheduledItem) - Method in class schedule.Schedule
Removes the given ScheduledItem from the schedule
Room - Class in admin
A room represents a single room in a building
Room() - Constructor for class admin.Room
Room - Class in schedule
A room object that is used in the Manual Schedule Generation view, shown in Figure
Room() - Constructor for class schedule.Room
room - Variable in class schedule.ScheduledItem
Room - Class in view
represents a single room in a building
Room() - Constructor for class view.Room
roomDB() - Method in class admin.DBui
roomDB function takes you to a view of the room database
RoomDB - Class in admin
A roomDB object is generated by the roomDB generator and contains records relating to all the courses.
RoomDB() - Constructor for class admin.RoomDB
roomDB - Variable in class admin.RoomDB
roomNumber - Variable in class admin.Room
roomNumber - Variable in class schedule.Room
roomNumber - Variable in class view.Room
rooms - Variable in class view.FilterTab
rooms - Variable in class view.ManualScheduleView
roomSelect - Variable in class view.ByRoomTab
roomSelect - Variable in class view.ListTab
roomTab - Variable in class view.ScheduleView


saveCourseList() - Method in class schedule.AdminCourseOverlap
This method is called when the admin wants to save the Collection of courses.
saveDistance(int) - Method in class schedule.AdminAdjCourseDistConstraint
This method is called once the admin saves the maximum distance between adjacent course.
saveLectLabTimeConstraint() - Method in class schedule.AdminLectLabTimeConstraint
This method is called when the admin clicks the save button to apply this time constraint to all lecture/lab courses.
schedule - package schedule
Package view defines objects related to scheduling.
Schedule - Class in schedule
A Schedule object is generated from the Schedule generator.
Schedule() - Constructor for class schedule.Schedule
schedule - Variable in class view.AttributeView
The schedule the scores correspond to
schedule - Variable in class view.ManualScheduleView
The schedule currently being created
Schedule - Class in view
represents a schedule to be selected and viewed
Schedule() - Constructor for class view.Schedule
ScheduledItem - Class in schedule
A class for a course that has been scheduled at a specific time block on a schedule
ScheduledItem() - Constructor for class schedule.ScheduledItem
scheduledItems - Variable in class schedule.Day
The courses and labs scheduled for this day
scheduleFromExisting(Schedule) - Method in class schedule.ScheduleGen
ScheduleGen - Class in schedule
Schedule generator object that handles the creation of schedules.
ScheduleGen() - Constructor for class schedule.ScheduleGen
scheduleGrid - Variable in class view.ScheduleViewInterior
scheduleGridData - Variable in class view.ScheduleViewInterior
scheduleName - Variable in class schedule.Schedule
The schedule name, i.e.
schedules - Variable in class schedule.Quarter
A collection of schedules that are associated with this quarter
schedules - Variable in class view.SelectionPanel
ScheduleView - Class in view
represents the main container for the Schedule viewing screen
ScheduleView() - Constructor for class view.ScheduleView
ScheduleViewInterior - Class in view
represents the basic setup of a Schedule view
ScheduleViewInterior() - Constructor for class view.ScheduleViewInterior
Section - Class in view
represents a single section of a course
Section() - Constructor for class view.Section
selectAll(Collection<Teacher>) - Method in class view.FilterTab
marks all elements in the collection as selected
selectAll(Collection<Course>) - Method in class view.FilterTab
marks all elements in the collection as selected
selectAll(Collection<Room>) - Method in class view.FilterTab
marks all elements in the collection as selected
selectDifferentInstructor(Instructor) - Method in class admin.CoursePreferenceEditing
SelectDifferentInstructor populates the course preference view with the required information for the selected instructor.
selectDifferentInstructor() - Method in class admin.TimePreferenceEditing
SelectDifferentInstructor will populate the weekly view with the time preferences of the selected instructor.
selected - Variable in class instructor.GUISlider
SelectionPanel - Class in view
represents the panel for selecting how to view the schedule
SelectionPanel() - Constructor for class view.SelectionPanel
selectQuarter() - Method in class instructor.QuarterSelectGUI
Selects the specific quarter from the list of quarters
setHourConstraint(int) - Method in class schedule.AdminLectLabTimeConstraint
This method is called when the "Hours" drop down menu is set in the dialog box as seen in the Functional Requirements section
setMinConstraint(int) - Method in class schedule.AdminLectLabTimeConstraint
This method is called when the "Minutes" drop down menu is set in the dialog box as seen in the Functional Requirements section
SetTimeConstraint(int, int) - Method in class schedule.AdminTimeConstraint
This method is called each time an admin sets a fixed time constraint.
sliders - Variable in class instructor.CoursePreferencesGUI
springInstances - Variable in class admin.Course
Number of times the course is usually offered in the spring
startTime - Variable in class view.TimeBlock
student - package student
Package student defines objects related to the student viewing and preference adding.
submit - Variable in class instructor.CoursePreferencesGUI
submit() - Method in class instructor.CoursePreferencesGUI
Saves course preferences to database, redirects back to intro page
submit() - Method in class instructor.QuarterSelectGUI
Saves current schedule to be edited and ends QuarterSelectionGUI window
suffix - Variable in class instructor.Name
summerInstances - Variable in class admin.Course
Number of times the course is usually offered in the summer


teacher - Variable in class schedule.Course
Teacher - Class in schedule
Class that defines a Teacher object
Teacher() - Constructor for class schedule.Teacher
Teacher - Class in view
represents a course instructor
Teacher() - Constructor for class view.Teacher
term - Variable in class student.Quarter
term - Variable in class view.Schedule
timeAvailability - Variable in class instructor.TimePreferencesGUI
TimeBlock - Class in admin
The TimeBlock class contains information pertaining to the time preferences selected either by an instructor or administrator.
TimeBlock() - Constructor for class admin.TimeBlock
TimeBlock - Class in instructor
This class contains the information for time block needed by Instructor Time Preferences.
TimeBlock() - Constructor for class instructor.TimeBlock
timeBlock - Variable in class schedule.ScheduledItem
TimeBlock - Class in schedule
This class contains the information for time block needed by ScheduledItems
TimeBlock() - Constructor for class schedule.TimeBlock
TimeBlock - Class in view
represents a blocked out time of day using a startTime and endTime, in minutes since midnight
TimeBlock() - Constructor for class view.TimeBlock
TimePreferenceEditing - Class in admin
This class contains the functionality allowing the administrative user to override the time preferences of the instructors.
TimePreferenceEditing() - Constructor for class admin.TimePreferenceEditing
timePreferences - Variable in class instructor.Instructor
TimePreferencesGUI - Class in instructor
This class contains the objects necessary for Instructor Time Preferences
TimePreferencesGUI() - Constructor for class instructor.TimePreferencesGUI
times - Variable in class view.ManualScheduleView
title - Variable in class admin.Course
Title of course.
title - Variable in class student.Course


update() - Method in class instructor.TimePreferencesGUI
Adds TimeBlock to timeAvailability
updateUserPreferences() - Method in class admin.CoursePreferenceEditing
UpdateUserPreferences completes any changes to an Instructor's course preferences.
updateUserPreferences() - Method in class admin.TimePreferenceEditing
UpdateUserPreferences will finalize any changes made to the instructor preferences.


validCourses - Variable in class view.Filter
validRooms - Variable in class view.Filter
validTeachers - Variable in class view.Filter
value(int) - Method in class instructor.GUISlider
Adds specified value to the class
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum admin.MainUI.DatabaseSelection
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum admin.MainUI.ViewOptions
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum instructor.WeekDay
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum view.WeekDay
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum admin.MainUI.DatabaseSelection
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum admin.MainUI.ViewOptions
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum instructor.WeekDay
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum view.WeekDay
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
view - package view
Package view defines objects related to viewing a schedule
viewDesiredFutureSchedule() - Method in class student.FutureScheduleUI
ViewDesiredFutureSchedule brings up the user interface for viewing a student's preferred schedule.
ViewDesiredFutureScheduleUI - Class in student
This is the user interface that will allow a student user to view what they have selected as their preferred future schedule.
ViewDesiredFutureScheduleUI() - Constructor for class student.ViewDesiredFutureScheduleUI
viewFilter - Variable in class view.ScheduleViewInterior
viewGeneratedSchedules() - Method in class student.MainUI
ViewGeneragedSchedules brings up the user interface that allows a student user to see schedules that have been made available for viewing by the scheduling administrator.
viewOrEditDatabases() - Method in class admin.MainUI
ViewOrEditDatabases brings up the interface for general database handling.
viewSchedule(MainUI.ViewOptions) - Method in class admin.MainUI
ViewSchedule allows the administrative user to view existing schedules in a variety of ways, specified by the 'options' parameter.
viewSchedule - Variable in class instructor.IntroGUI
viewSchedule() - Method in class instructor.IntroGUI


WeekDay - Enum in instructor
WeekDay - Enum in view
winterInstances - Variable in class admin.Course
Number of times the course is usually offered in the winter


year - Variable in class instructor.Quarter
year - Variable in class student.Quarter
year - Variable in class view.Schedule