AddAdministratorOverride will change the scheduling algorithm to take
into account the preferences provided by the administrator as well as
those provided by the instructor.
The Day class contains information on when the day starts and ends,
as well as a collection of TimeBlocks corresponding the an instructor's
preferred teaching times during a day.
EnterFutureSchedulePreference brings up the user interface that allows a
student to enter their preferences for what they would like to take in
upcoming quarters in order to help the scheduling administrator create enough
The instructors listed next to their corresponding fairness
score and the fairness score itself are collections that
will be displayed in the table view of the attribute
view dialog
RemoveAdministratorOverride will change the scheduling algorithm to
ignore any preferences provided by the administrator and only take
into account those preferences provided by the instructor.
ViewGeneragedSchedules brings up the user interface that allows a student
user to see schedules that have been made available for viewing by the
scheduling administrator.