Package instructor

Package view defines objects related to the Instructor Interface.


Class Summary
Course This class contains the information for a course needed by Instructor Course Preferences.
CoursePreferencesGUI This class contains the objects necessary for Instructor Course Preferences
GUISlider GUI object that measures a preference level.
Instructor This class contains individual instructor information needed by Instructor Preferences.
IntroGUI This class contains the introduction gui provided to the instructor upon login.
Name Contains the information needed for an instructor name.
Quarter Object to keep track of the quarter information the administator has added
QuarterSelectGUI This class contains the information from the database to populate the drop down menu with current quarters to edit.
TimeBlock This class contains the information for time block needed by Instructor Time Preferences.
TimePreferencesGUI This class contains the objects necessary for Instructor Time Preferences

Enum Summary

Package instructor Description

Package view defines objects related to the Instructor Interface.