2.9.2. Details of File Commands, Student Interface Open and Close

The Open option is disabled unless the user is connected to the CSTutor server and has selected a tutorial in the Tutorials window (as covered in Section 2.4), in which case it displays the selected tutorial in a new viewing window.

Zero or more tutorials, message boards or chat windows may be open at any time. The title of the currently active window is listed in the banner of the command menubar. When no file is open, nothing is appended to the banner.

The title of each open tutorial, message board or chat window is listed in the banner of its respective display window.

The effect of multiple files on the windowing modes is as follows. Every window says what file it's associated with. The current file is defined as the file associated with the current window. Whenever a different window becomes active, the current file is changed to the file of that window. The banner of the menubar is changed as necessary dynamically. The default per-level windowing mode applies separately to each.

The Close option closes the active window, while the Close All option closes all open windows. Printing

If the active window is a tutorial or message board, the Print option simply prints a hard copy of the active window. If it is a chat window, the Print option prints the message history. No dialog box is associated with this option. Connecting

The Connect to Server option displays the login dialog as detailed in Section 2.7.1. If the user has already established a connection to the server, the system replaces this option with Disconnect, which severs the server connection and disables all tutorial navigation options.

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