1.2 System Personnel

The personnel involved with CSTutor fall into the following categories:

  • system end users
    • registered users (students)
    • unregistered users (anonymous students)
    • authors (professors)
  • domain experts
  • system analysts
  • system developers
  • outside parties

System end users are those who use CSTutor as a learning tool.  Registered users will be able to read content and take quizzes that will help professors assess their students performance. They will also be able to publish tutorials on specified repositories on CSTutor, the options for which can be set through the administration area.  Authors are able to add or modify tutorials in known repositories.   Unregistered users are able to access all information on the tutorial site without having to worry about being logged with poor performance on assessment quizzes.  Domain experts in this case are both the students and professors who will be using this tool as a learning aid.

The primary domain expert is Professor Fisher, who will be providing insight as to what features the CSTutor should include.  The team of software engineers will take on the role of system developers and system analysts to design the CSTutor application after hearing feedback from the domain experts.  The goal for CSTutor is to provide a student friendly learning tool, therefore the outside parties for this project will be the students using this application.