1.3 Operational Setting

The CSTutor software is intended for primary deployment to Computer Science students and faculty at CalPoly. Much of the software, however, is suited for use in a wide range of departments and campuses, and so might be deployed elsewhere as well. The software is prepared for any environment where instructors may plan courses and evaluations for their students, with specific emphasis on code and functional examples.

CSTutor as an application is targeted to faculty and student's desktop computers. It will be multi-platform, so that users's home machines, lab machines, and servers can be used to access teaching resources created by faculty.

Current functionality overlapping with CSTutor's features is the BlackBoard software in use throughout the CalPoly campus. CSTutor, once deployed, will entirely replace BlackBoard's functionality. Access to some shared resources, such as shared resources may be required, but none of BlackBoard's specific information will need to be retained.