2.4.2. Class Statistics

Class statistics are the culmination of one section or the entire class across all sections shown in statistical form to the author. The author can access this page from the file menu in the instructor version found in the UI Overview.

Figure 2.4.2.a: Author Statistic Browser

Figure 2.4.2.b: Tutorial Selector

The author uses the statistics selector to select what entity he or she wants to look at as shown by Figure 2.4.2.a. The first column lists the classes that the author manages. When a name is bold face, that means that the class is selected. Now the user can simply press go and look at entire class statistics or they can move on and pick a section from the second column. To obtain more fine grain detail, the professor can pick an individual and look at their statistics. The 'GO' button in the bottom right hand corner loads a window to pick a tutorial to look at. Figure 2.4.2.b shows a new window that pops up to select a tutorial to look at statistics. The Java Basics Tutorial is selected, and the 'GO' button loads that specific tutorial's statistics (either class, section, or individual). To navigate back to the previous screen, the user clicks on the 'Back' button.

Figure 2.4.2.c: Statistics By Class

Figure 2.4.2.c shows statistics by class. Underneath the title is the title of the tutorial. Underneath that shows how many students have taken the tutoriala and below is all the quiz results for the section, including the most missed qeustion. The final item is the overall culminative score on all quizzes. The instructor can navigate away from the statistics page via the file menu shown in the UI Overview or use the 'Back' button to go back to the Statistics Viewer.

Figure 2.4.2.d: Statistics By Section

Figure 2.4.2.d shows statistics by section. This is organized simliar to statistics by class, however it only shows statistics for a particular section. The instructor can navigate away from the statistics page via the file menu shown in the UI Overview or use the 'Back' button to go back to the Statistics Viewer.

Figure 2.4.2.e: Statistics By Individual

Figure 2.4.2.e shows statistics for an individual. A user is able to look at a specifics students statistics. It shows overall progress in a tutorial as well as quiz results. For a more detailed description of the quiz results the user can click the 'More' button next to the quiz. The tool bar remains the same and The instructor can navigate away from the statistics page via the file menu show in the UI Overview or use the 'Back' button to go back to the Statistics Viewer..

Figure 2.4.2.f: Statistics By Individual More Detail

Figure 2.4.2.f shows the user clicking the 'More' button next to the Java Basics Quiz results. It takes the user to another page where he or she can view the detailed results of an individual student including specific questions the student missed. To navigate back to the overall results page for the student, the user may click on the 'Back' button.

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