Adding a Quiz Branch

Figure shows the dialogue seen after clicking 'Add' under the branches section in Figure 2.3.4.a.

Figure Quiz Branch

Here the user can create a branch, indicating to the quiz taker to go back to a certain section of the tutorial if they do not perform as expected. The first drop down box, labeled 'Page to Branch to', is the page that the quiz branches to if the score they recieve on the specified section is below the percent specified in the 'Below' box. Next the user must select a corresponding section to associate the branch with in the 'Related Section' portion. Lastly, the user can enter a message that is displayed if the quiz taker gets below the specified percentage. This section is called 'Fail Dialogue'. Figure shows the selection of a 'Page to Branch to'.

Figure Selecting a 'Page to Branch to'

As shown above, the user selects "Loops: For". This is a unique page in the current tutorial where this quiz is being created. The "Loops: For" page can be found under the top level section "Loops" (which is still a page). If another page, named "Using For Loops" existed under the "Loops: For" page, it would be displayed here as "Loops: For: Using For Loops". The user may also select the 'Page to Branch to' by clicking on a page from the table of contents instead of using the selection list. Figure shows the selection of a 'Related Section'.

Figure Selecting a 'Related Section'

As shown above, the user selects "Loops". This is a unique page in the current tutorial where this quiz is being created. Only top level pages are able to be selected. The user may also select the 'Related Section' by clicking on a page from the table of contents instead of using the selection list. Figure shows a completed example of a filled in quiz branch.

Figure Quiz Branching Example

This branch looks at the combined score of all questions that have "Loops" as their 'Corresponding Section'. If that score is below "75%", the quiz taker is given the 'Fail Dialogue': "Please look over the lesson on for loops again." The quiz taker is then shown a button that directs them back to the page "Loops: For". Clicking 'Cancel' closes the dialogue. Clicking 'OK' closes the dialogue and adds the branch to the branch list shown in Figure 2.3.4.c.

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