Continuous Mode

Continuous Mode is defined by a single slide with dynamic navigation. In this mode, all navigation is by topic, meaning a single topic is selected at a time.

The viewing window is dynamically shifted as new topics become selected. The currently selected topic is moved to the top of the viewing window if more topics follow that can be fit on the screen at a time. Only topics of the same parent topic and level of the selected will be displayed.

Figure displays an opened lecture in Continuous mode, with each of the navigation controls continuous mode can use enabled.

Figure Presentation Window in Continuous Mode

First, Back, Next, Last, Step In and Out Buttons

In the following scenario each of the basic navigation controls will be explained. The following figures display only the viewing window, refer back to Figure to view each of the navigation controls. The black rectangle is used to display the topics currently visible in the viewing window and the red underline signifies the currently selected topic. Both of these markings are for explaining purpose only and not visible in the application during runtime.

After the user opens a lecture, the first topic is selected by default, shown in Figure Only topics of the current level and can fit on the display window are visible at a time. Because there are no more topics on the current level after this topic, the Next button is disabled. To continue with the lecture, the user clicks the Step In button, which will move the focus to the first child topic, adjusting the display window accordingly, as in Figure

Figure Newly opened lecture
Figure Step In to next topic

Pressing the Step In button again will move the focus to the next child topic, shown in Figure From here the user has more options. Pressing the Next button will select the the topic on the current level, as in Figure The user could have also pressed the Back button, which would have selected the parent, shown in Figure

Figure Level with multiple topics
Figure Moving the next topic

If the user had pressed the Step In button the next child topic would be selected, as in Figure The Step In button is now disabled as there are no more topics below the selected topic. Pressing the Next button selects the next topic after the currently selected topic, shown in Figure

Figure No more topics below
Figure Moving to next topic

From here the user can select any of the navigation buttons. Pressing the Next button will select the next topic, but because there are no more topics on the current level it will move up a level, as in Figure Pressing the Step Out button will select the parent topic of the selected topic, shown in Figure

Figure Moving to next topic up a level
Figure Stepping Out of a topic

The First button selects the first topic of the current level. The Last button does the same, selecting the last topic of the current level.

Instructor Synch

Clicking the Synch button will move the current lecture to focus on the same point the instructor is currently focused on. This is useful to rejoin the lecture if the user wants to go off on their own, but still catch back up. This is a toggle button and will automatically untoggle itself if the user navigates the lecture on their own.

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