Slide Mode

Slide Mode is defined by the classic separate slide presentation. In this mode all navigation is by slide, meaning the lecture moves from slide to slide at each step.

Topics in a slide can be preserved in this mode, and a scrollbar will be shown if not all topics can be displayed in the window at a time.

Figure displays an opened lecture in Slide mode, with each of the navigation controls slide mode can use enabled.

Figure Presentation Window in Slide Mode

First, Back, Next, Last, Step In and Out Buttons

Navigation is much simpler in Slide mode than in the Continuous mode. Because navigation is now by slide, each slide can be precomputed. The only exception to this is when the user changes the font size, explained later in this section. The Step In and Step Out buttons are always disabled in this mode, leaving only the simple controls.

In this scenario, only three topics can be displayed on a slide at a time. Figure shows the first slide. Because the first slide is selected, the First button will be disabled. Pressing the Next button selects the next slide, shown in Figure 2.3.2.c.


If the user presses the Back button the previous slide is selected, seen in Figure If the user presses the Next button the next slide is selected, seen in Figure


Now at the last slide, the user can either press the First button to select the first slide or press the Back button to select the previous slide. The Last button and Next button are disabled as the last slide is already selected.

Instructor Synch

Clicking the Synch button will move the current lecture to the same slide the instructor is on. This is useful to rejoin the lecture if the user wants to go off on their own, but still catch back up. This is a toggle button and will automatically untoggle itself if the user navigates the lecture on their own. In the following figures the black rectangle is used to help display the visible slide area and is not present during runtime.

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