Responding to a student's question

When a student is in the question queue, a number appears before the student's name under the 'Question Queue Column' in the Instructor Roster as shown in Figure . The number shows the instructor the order of the student questions. Students in the question queue will be sorted by their queue number and listed at the top of the student list. The rest of the class who are not in the question queue are sorted by alphabetical order of their names and listed after the question queue list. The number '1' means the student is the first to enter the question queue.

Figure Question queue in the instructor Roster view

If a tab has not been created for the student asking a question, a new tab appears in the Instructor's Chat window when the Instructor selects the student. If a tab already exists for the student the message appears in that tab. This is shown in Figure

Figure A question is received by the Instructor.

The Instructor responds to a question by entering a response in the input text area and pressing 'Enter'. This is shown in Figure

Figure Instructor sending a response

For students who request public Overlay access while they are in the question queue, the instructor can give them permissions when their turn to ask questions come. Details of accessing public Snapshot is discussed in Section

To remove a student from the question queue, the instructor can click the number in front of the student's name to disable his question queue status. When a student is removed from the question queue, his name will be listed under the question queue and sorted in alphabetical order. A student is not in the question queue when the 'Question Queue Status Indicator' appears blank.

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