Accessing the Public Snapshot

Instructor granting Snapshot permission to Students

The instructor can give permission to selected student(s) to access a public Snapshot by selecting the desired public Snapshot in the Desk Drawer as shown in Figure Then the instructor single-clicks the checkbox(es) under the column next to the student name(s) as shown in Figure to grant the permissions.

Figure Selecting a public Snapshot in the instructor Desk Drawer.

Figure Granting Snapshot permission to Student 1 in the instructor Roster

When a student is granted the permission to access the public Snapshot, an icon appears on the right beside the student's name in the student Roster as shown in Figure A check mark appears in the checkbox besides the selected student name in both the instructor Roster and the student Rosters for the rest of the class as shown in Figure

Figure Student 1 gets permission to access the public Snapshot


Figure The access permission status of student 1 shown in the instructor Roster (left) and other student Roster (right)

The Snapshot chose by the instructor will be sent to all student Desk Drawers and appears in every user's Snapshot Window. An Overlay with the student's name (in this case, Student 1) will appear in all Snapshot Windows as shown in Figure However, only Student 1 and the instructor are able to edit that Overlay. That Overlay is view-only for the rest of the class. Details on how to draw on an overlay is discussed in Section

Figure The Snapshot Window displaying Student 1 Overlay

If the instructor wants to draw in response to the student's drawing, he can add another public Overlay to that particular Snapshot. Details of creating additional overlays are discussed in Section The instructor's Overlay will appear in student Snapshot Windows as shown in Figure and only the instructor can modify that Overlay.

Figure The Snapshot Window displaying the Student 1 Overlay and the instructor Overlay.

Multiple students request to access the same Snapshot

When other students want to join in the discussion and draw on the same Snapshot, they can send requests to the instructor to access the public Snapshot.

A student can send a Snapshot access request by selecting 'Roster --> Request Overlay' from the menu toolbar or by clicking the icon in the Roster. Then on the student Roster, an icon appears on the right beside the student's name as shown in Figure

Figure Student 2 waiting for the instructor to grant access permission to the public Snapshot

On the instructor Roster, beside the request student's name, the checkbox under the column will be filled. The instructor can single-click on the filled checkbox to grant access permission to the student requesting access as shown in Figure

Figure The instructor granting access permission to Student 2

Once the instructor grant the access permissions to students who requested it, an Overlay for each student requested will be appeared in every user's Snapshot Window as shown in Figure Each student can only edit on the Overlay with his name linked to it. For example, Student 2 can only edit on the 'Student 2' Overlay.

Figure The Snapshot Window displaying multiple Overlays of different owners

Once students finish drawing on the Overlays, the instructor can disable individual access permission to the public Snapshot by single-clicking on the checked checkboxes on the 'Public Overlay Access Column' in the instructor Roster. The instructor can disable all Snapshot access permission by single-clicking the icon at the top of the 'Public Overlay Access Column' in the instructor Roster.

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